利用这款乐高®花植系列粉黛花束 (10342) 成人拼搭套装让你的创造力喷薄而出。这款乐高花卉装饰套装拥有可爱逼真的花朵,且永不褪色,是送给男士、女士和自然爱好者的宜人礼物。
初入此道的花艺师们可以拼搭这个花束,放松身心,其由 15 根乐高花茎组成,其中包括雏菊、矢车菊、桉树、接骨木花、玫瑰、毛茛、兰花、睡莲和风铃草。所有花茎都可以调节,鼓励拼搭师们定制属于自己的花束,收获一件居室或办公室花卉装饰品。如想获得更多定制体验,可将这些花朵与其它乐高花束(单独出售)一起布置,创造一件更大、更独特的花卉展示品。
- 花卉装饰品——这款乐高®花植系列粉黛花束的设计灵感来自大自然,是一款适合成人的家居装饰 DIY 拼搭套装,可利用它来激发创造力
- 乐高®鲜花——本套装包含 15 根可以拼搭的花茎,其中包括雏菊、矢车菊、桉树、接骨木花、玫瑰、毛茛、兰花、风铃草和睡莲
- 插花——每枝乐高®鲜花都拥有可调节式花茎,鼓励拼搭者通过设计和重新布置他们的作品来定制属于自己的花束
- 乐高®装饰——拼搭一完成,这款乐高花卉套装将成为一件色彩多样的家具或办公室装饰品,可将其展示在花瓶(本品不含)中
- 大自然礼物——这些鲜花是送给男士、女士和花卉爱好者的可爱礼物,适合作为情人节、母亲节或乔迁礼物
- LEGO® Builder 应用程序——本套装提供纸质版和数字版拼搭说明,可带来沉浸式拼搭体验
- 拼搭更多花朵——这款积木拼搭的花束可与乐高®花植系列的其它套装(单独出售)组合
- 尺寸——本套装内含 749 块组件,不同鲜花的长度各异,但作为参照,兰花高 32 厘米(12.5 英寸)
Let creativity bloom with a colorful LEGO® flower display
Cultivate creativity with the LEGO® Botanicals Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet (10342) building kit for adults. Bursting with authentic blooms and lovely colors that will never fade, this LEGO flower decor set is a delightful gift for women, men and nature-lovers.
Budding florists can relax and unwind as they build the bouquet, which consists of 15 LEGO flower stems, including daisies, cornflowers, eucalyptus, elderflowers, roses, ranunculus, cymbidium orchids, a waterlily dahlia and a campanula. All the stems are adjustable, encouraging builders to arrange a bespoke bouquet that they can use as floral home or office decor. For added customization, the flowers can be arranged with other LEGO bouquets, sold separately, to create a larger, unique floral display.
A thoughtful Mother’s Day gift, Valentine’s Day gift or housewarming gift, these customizable LEGO flowers are sure to be treasured forever by loved ones.
- Flower decor – Let creativity bloom with the LEGO® Botanicals Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet, a nature-inspired home decor DIY building kit for adults
- LEGO® flowers – The set features 15 buildable flower stems, including daisies, cornflowers, eucalyptus, elderflowers, roses, ranunculus, cymbidium orchids, a campanula and a waterlily dahlia
- Arrange the bouquet – Each LEGO® flower has an adjustable stem, encouraging builders to create a bespoke bouquet by arranging and rearranging their creation
- LEGO® decor – Once complete, the LEGO flower set becomes a piece of colorful home or office decor that can be displayed in a vase, which is not included
- Nature gift – The flowers make a lovely gift for women, men and flower-lovers and can be given as a Valentine’s Day gift, Mother’s Day gift or housewarming gift
- LEGO® Builder app – This set includes printed and digital versions of the building instructions for an immersive building experience
- Build more blooms – This brick-built bouquet can be combined with other sets (sold separately) in the LEGO® Botanicals collection
- Dimensions – The set includes 749 pieces and flower lengths vary but, as a guide, the cymbidium orchids stand over 12.5 in. (32 cm) tall
粉黛花束(Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet)属于花卉植物系列积木套组,整个套组包含 749 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10342 首发于2025年。