借助这款阿索卡的绝地拦截机拼搭玩具 (75401),让孩子创造属于自己的精彩《星球大战:克隆人战争》冒险。这款积木拼搭的绝地拦截机拥有可以打开的驾驶舱、可转换为攻击或巡航模式的可调节式机翼、2 个弹簧发射器,可作为 8 岁及以上男孩、女孩和粉丝的很酷乐高®星球大战礼物。这款可以拼搭的玩具套装包含 2 个乐高星球大战小人仔:手持光剑的阿索卡·塔诺和阿纳金·天行者,以及 R7-A7 乐高机器人玩偶,可供进行奇幻玩乐。绝地拦截机的驾驶舱可容纳阿索卡小人仔,机上还有 R7-A7 的空间和阿索卡光剑的存放处。
利用 LEGO Builder 应用程序增强孩子的创造体验,他们可以在拼搭过程中缩放和旋转这款星球大战星际飞船的三维数字版。
- 适合孩子的绝地拦截机拼搭玩具——借助这款精致的乐高®阿索卡的绝地拦截机拼搭模型,表演激动人心的任务,就像在《星球大战:克隆人战争》中看到的那样
- 2 个乐高®星球大战™小人仔——这款可以拼搭的玩具套装包含阿索卡·塔诺和阿纳金·天行者,以及 R7-A7 乐高机器人玩偶
- 星球大战™星际飞船——这款绝地拦截机拥有可以打开的阿索卡·塔诺驾驶舱、可以容纳 R7-A7 的空间、可调节式机翼、2 个弹簧发射器,以及存放阿索卡 2 把光剑的空间
- 可以拼搭的乐高®奇幻套装——阿索卡·塔诺拥有 2 把绿色光剑,阿纳金·天行者配有一把蓝色光剑,可供展开精彩行动
- 适合 8 岁及以上孩子的星球大战™礼物——这款可以拼搭的乐高®星球大战玩具交通工具可作为喜欢创意的男孩、女孩和年轻《星球大战:克隆人战争》粉丝的有趣日常礼物或奖励
- 得力助手——借助 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以在拼搭过程中缩放、旋转和查看这款拼搭玩具的数字版,以及跟踪进度,保存套装
- 探索整个系列——值得收藏的乐高®星球大战™系列套装(单独出售)允许孩子和星球大战成人粉丝重现经典场景,创造属于他们自己的故事,或者仅仅展示这些拼搭模型
- 尺寸——本套装内含 290 块组件,其中的乐高®星球大战™星际战斗机尺寸为:高 6 厘米(2.5 英寸)、长 19 厘米(7.5 英寸)和宽 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)
Cool Star Wars™ gift idea for kids
Let kids create their own exciting Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ adventures with Ahsoka’s Jedi Interceptor Starfighter Building Toy (75401). A cool LEGO® Star Wars™ gift idea for boys, girls and fans aged 8 and up, this brick-built Jedi Interceptor features an opening cockpit, adjustable wings for attack and cruise modes, and 2 spring-loaded shooters. The buildable playset includes 2 LEGO Star Wars minifigures – Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker with Lightsabers™ – plus an R7-A7 LEGO droid figure for fantasy play. Ahsoka can be placed in the Jedi Interceptor’s cockpit, and there’s room on board for R7-A7 and storage for Ahsoka’s Lightsabers™.
Enhance kids’ creative experience with the LEGO Builder app, where they can zoom in and rotate a digital 3D version of the Star Wars starship as they build.
This buildable Star Wars vehicle toy is great to play with on its own and it can also be combined with other LEGO Star Wars sets (sold separately) in the extensive range.
- Jedi Interceptor starfighter building toy for kids – Play out thrilling missions with this detailed LEGO® brick-built model of Ahsoka’s Jedi Interceptor, as seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars™
- 2 LEGO® Star Wars™ minifigures – This buildable playset includes Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker, plus an R7-A7 LEGO droid figure
- Star Wars™ starship – The Jedi Interceptor has an opening cockpit for Ahsoka Tano, a space for R7-A7, adjustable wings, 2 spring-loaded shooters and storage for Ahsoka’s 2 Lightsabers™
- LEGO® brick-built fantasy set – Ahsoka Tano has 2 green Lightsabers™ and Anakin Skywalker has a blue Lightsaber™ for action play
- Star Wars™ gift idea for kids aged 8 and up – This LEGO® Star Wars buildable toy vehicle makes a fun everyday gift or treat for creative boys, girls and any young Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ fans
- A helping hand – Using the LEGO® Builder app, kids can zoom, rotate and visualize a digital version of this construction model as they build, track their progress and save sets
- Explore the range – Collectible LEGO® Star Wars™ sets (sold separately) enable kids and adult Star Wars fans to recreate classic scenes, create their own stories or simply display the buildable models
- Dimensions – The LEGO® Star Wars™ vehicle in this 290-piece set measures over 2.5 in. (6 cm) high, 7.5 in. (19 cm) long and 6.5 in. (17 cm) wide
阿索卡的绝地拦截机(Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor)属于星球大战系列积木套组,整个套组包含 290 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75401 首发于2025年。