拼搭和玩乐这款 F1® 车队赛车与赛车手 (10445) 玩具,发动引擎,准备比赛。这项有趣的家庭活动让车迷和他们的初级维修站工作人员重现一级方程式赛车的速度与激情。
这款富有想象力的幼儿玩具可带来无尽的游戏灵感,让你们都能体验到激动人心的赛道时光。你们可以一起拼搭易于辨识的 F1 功能,如起跑指示灯和领奖台。所有 10 支车队都有代表,宝宝们可以定制他们的汽车,选择由谁赢得比赛并举起奖杯,然后让自己坐在驾驶位上。
- 可供进行创意玩乐的赛车拼搭玩具——借助这款 F1® 车队赛车与赛车手赛道玩具套装,将您的孩子带入 F1® 的世界
- 全家一起体验创意乐趣——这款幼儿玩具包含 10 辆可以拼搭赛车、3 块赛车手积木、一个起重机玩具、一个领奖台,以及起跑指示灯,可供您与孩子分享自己对 F1® 的热情
- 逼真的赛车玩具——这些可以定制的汽车采用逼真的颜色,并装饰有 Formula 1® 标识,以便学龄前儿童们重现逼真的 F1® 赛车场景
- 起重机玩具可带来更多戏剧性——学龄前儿童可将汽车挂在钩子上,提升它们,以便进行快速检查,从而重现维修站的兴奋感
- 适合 2 岁及以上宝宝的礼物——借助一份创意礼物来庆祝 F1® 赛季的开始,或者在宝宝生日那天送给他们,这份礼物经过全面的测试,以确保带来安全的玩乐体验
- 更多高速 F1® 动作——可以查看其它乐高® Formula 1® 拼搭套装(单独出售),以便与全家人一起拼搭、展示和比赛
- 技能培养拼搭套装——所有乐高®得宝®玩具都旨在培养技能,这款玩具还有助于宝宝提高空间推理、手眼协调和精细动作技能
- 尺寸——这款幼儿学习玩具内含 70 块组件,其中的起跑指示灯龙门架尺寸为:高 16 厘米、宽 38 厘米和深 6 厘米
Fire up creative play with the LEGO® DUPLO® F1® race car toy
Fire up your engines and get ready to race with the F1® Team Race Cars \u0026 Drivers (10445) building toy. This fun family activity lets fans and their junior pit crew recreate the thrill of Formula 1® racing.
This imaginative toddler toy is brimming with play starters to put you both on track for exciting playtimes. Together you’ll build recognisable F1 features, such as the starting lights and the podium. All 10 teams are represented, putting toddlers in the driver’s seat as they customise their cars and choose who wins the race and lifts the trophy.
The ideal gift for preschoolers who love vehicle toys, this learning toy for toddlers helps kids develop spatial awareness and practise fine motor skills using the crane toy’s lifting function to deliver a rapid pitstop. They’ll hone colour-sorting skills as they identify the teams with their distinctive colours and learn perseverance as they race against family members until they cross the finish line first!
- Race car building toy for imaginative play – Transport your toddler to the world of Formula 1® with the F1® Team Race Cars \u0026 Drivers race track playset
- Creative fun for family playtimes – Share your passion for F1® with your preschooler with this toddler toy that includes 10 buildable race cars, 3 driver bricks, a crane toy, start lights and a podium
- Realistic race car toys – These customisable cars come in authentic colours and are decorated with Formula 1® logos so toddlers can recreate realistic F1® race scenarios
- Crane toy raises the drama – Preschoolers recreate the excitement of a pitstop by attaching the cars to the hook to raise them for a speedy inspection
- Gifts for toddlers aged 2 years plus – Celebrate the start of the F1® season or treat a toddler on their birthday with a creative gift that’s been extensively tested for a safe play experience
- More high-speed F1® action – Look out for other LEGO® Formula 1® construction sets (sold separately) to build, display and race with the whole family
- Skill-building construction sets – All LEGO® DUPLO® toys are designed to develop skills, and this one can help toddlers with spatial reasoning, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
- Dimensions – This 70-piece learning toy for toddlers includes a starting lights gantry measuring over 16 cm (6.5 in.) high, 38 cm (15 in.) wide and 6 cm (2.5 in.) deep
F1车队赛车与赛车手(F1 Team Racing Cars & Drivers)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 70 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10445 首发于2025年。