7 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可通过这款野生动物:惊奇蜘蛛 (31159) 玩具套装探索有趣的生物。这款色彩多样的蜘蛛玩具拥有 8 条灵活的腿和巨型牙齿,孩子们可从其背后拉出一张霓虹黄色蛛网,将其挂在乐高®积木上,进行创意玩乐或自豪地展示。
动物爱好者们利用同一套积木,可获得 3 种不同的拼搭选项:肢体灵活且带有可伸缩式绳子的蜘蛛玩具,肢体灵活的蝎子玩偶,或者威猛且肢体灵活的蛇玩具。这款形玩具套装包含 3 个动物玩偶,可作为孩子们有趣且富有创意的礼物。
乐高 Creator 3 合 1 系列套装可以激发孩子们的想象力,每个积木盒都允许他们创造 3 种不同的模型!孩子们会激动不已地反复拼搭。3 合 1 套装可带来一系列能够激发他们兴趣的模型,其中包括超快的交通工具、神奇的动物和细节丰富的房屋。请注意,这些模型不能同时拼搭。
- 1 个积木盒,3 种野生动物——这款乐高® Creator 野生动物:惊奇蜘蛛玩具允许 7 岁以上的孩子使用同一套积木,拼搭和重新拼搭 3 种不同的动物玩偶
- 丰富多彩的玩乐选项——孩子们可以使用 3 种不同的动物模型(这些模型不能同时拼搭)对故事进行角色扮演:蜘蛛玩具、蝎子玩偶或蛇玩具
- 肢体灵活的动物玩偶——所有 3 种色彩多样的模型都拥有灵活的功能,其中包括腿部和身体,以便孩子们将它们摆成不同的姿势,进行乐趣十足的创意玩乐
- 适合玩乐和展示的蜘蛛乐高®套装——玩乐结束后,孩子们可将动物玩偶展示起来,还可以从蜘蛛玩具的背部拉出一张霓虹黄色的蛛网,将其挂在乐高积木上
- 适合孩子的蜘蛛礼物——这款 3 合 1 玩具可以为小拼搭师带来沉浸式拼搭和玩乐体验,适合作为一份奖励礼物
- 更多 3 合 1 乐趣——可通过乐高® Creator 3 合 1 系列的其它套装(单独出售)丰富孩子的探险活动
- 乐高® Creator 玩具——每款 3 合 1 套装都允许孩子拼搭 3 种不同的模型,它们的设计灵感均源自孩子们的爱好,如动物、交通工具、房屋等
- 尺寸——这款可以拼搭的乐高®玩具套装内含 153 块组件,其中的蜘蛛玩偶尺寸为:高 5 厘米(2 英寸)、长 11 厘米(4 英寸)和宽 15 厘米(6 英寸)
LEGO® Creator Wild Animals 3in1 rebuildable toy playset
Boys and girls aged 7 and up discover fascinating creatures with this Wild Animals: Surprising Spider (31159) playset. The colorful spider toy features 8 posable legs and large teeth, and kids can pull out a neon-yellow web from its back to hang it from a LEGO® brick for imaginative play or to proudly display it.
Fans of cool animals get 3 different building options from the same set of bricks: a posable LEGO spider toy with an extendable string, a posable scorpion figure or a majestic posable snake toy. All 3 animal figures in this transforming toy set make creative and fun gifts for kids.
LEGO Creator 3in1 sets inspire kids’ imaginations with 3 different models to assemble in every box. They will be excited to build, rebuild and build again. 3in1 sets offer a range of models that appeal to kids’ biggest passions, including superfast vehicles, amazing animals and detailed houses. Please note that models cannot be built simultaneously.
- 3 wild animals in 1 box – The LEGO® Creator Wild Animals: Surprising Spider toy lets kids aged 7 and up build and rebuild 3 different animal figures with the same bricks
- Endless play options – Kids can role-play stories with 3 different animal models (models cannot be built simultaneously): a spider toy, a scorpion figure or a snake toy
- Posable animal figures – All 3 colorful models have posable features, including legs and bodies, so kids can enjoy imaginative play as they place them into different stances
- Spider LEGO® set for play and display – Animal figures can be displayed after playtime and kids can pull out a neon-yellow web from the spider toy’s back to hang it from a LEGO brick
- Spider gift for kids – 3in1 toy provides an immersive build-and-play experience for little builders and can be given as a treat gift
- More 3in1 fun – Expand kids’ adventures with other sets (sold separately) from the LEGO® Creator 3in1 range
- LEGO® Creator toys – Every 3in1 set lets kids build 3 different models inspired by some of their biggest passions, including animals, vehicles and houses
- Measurements – This 153-piece LEGO® rebuildable toy set features a spider figure measuring over 2 in. (5 cm) high, 4 in. (11 cm) long and 6 in. (15cm) wide
野生动物:蜘蛛(Wild Animals - Surprise Spider)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 153 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31159 首发于2025年。