借助这款乐高® Creator 3 合 1 太空机器人 (31164) 科学玩具套装,8 岁以上的男孩和女孩可以表演星际故事。这款适合孩子的机器人玩具位于可以活动的履带上,拥有喷气背包、可以旋转的身体和头部、灵活的手臂和手指、气球,以及可以照亮其胸部的发光积木。
乐高粉丝们可以使用同一套积木,拼搭和重新拼搭出 3 种不同的动感十足的太空玩具套装:位于可以活动的履带上的机器人玩具,带着骨头和飞盘的灵活太空小狗玩偶,或太空火箭。所有 3 款模型都是很酷的太空主题礼物,非常适合玩乐和展示。当孩子们按下发光积木(内含电池)时,它们会亮起。
乐高 Creator 3 合 1 系列套装可作为孩子的超棒礼物,每个积木盒都允许他们重新拼搭 3 种不同的模型。这些可以变形的 3 合 1 玩具套装可以促进创意玩乐,并带来一系列令人印象深刻的模型,对他们极具吸引力,其中包括超酷的交通工具、神奇的动物和细节丰富的房屋。请注意,这些模型不能同时拼搭。
- 1 个积木盒,3 种太空玩具拼搭选项——这款乐高® Creator 3 合 1 太空机器人科学玩具套装允许 8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩使用同一套积木,拼搭和重新拼搭 3 种不同的玩具
- 许多玩乐机会——孩子们可以使用 3 种不同的玩具套装(这些模型不能同时拼搭)进行星际冒险:太空机器人玩具、太空小狗玩偶和太空火箭
- 肢体灵活的太空玩偶——这款机器人玩具拥有灵活的手臂和手指,以及可以旋转的头部和身体,而太空小狗则拥有可以旋转的头部和 4 条灵活的腿
- 发光模型——当孩子们按下特殊的发光积木(内含电池)时,3 种乐高®太空模型都会亮起来
- 机器人礼物——这款 3 合 1 玩具可为太空爱好者们带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,适合作为一份生日礼物,供他们进行长时间的创意玩乐
- 更多 3 合 1 乐趣——可通过乐高® Creator 3 合 1 系列的其它套装(单独出售)丰富孩子的探险活动
- 乐高® Creator 玩具——每款 3 合 1 套装都允许孩子拼搭 3 种不同的模型,它们的设计灵感均源自孩子们的爱好,如动物、交通工具、房屋等
- 尺寸——这款太空玩具套装内含 281 块组件,其中积木拼搭的乐高®机器人高 13 厘米(5 英寸)
LEGO® Creator 3in1 rebuildable Space Robot playset
Boys and girls aged 8 plus play out stories among the stars with this LEGO® Creator 3in1 Space Robot (31164) science playset. This robot toy for kids is set on moving tracks and features a jetpack, a body and head that can spin around, posable arms and fingers, a balloon, and a light brick that illuminates its chest.
LEGO fans build and rebuild 3 different action-packed space playsets with the same bricks: a robot toy on moving tracks; a posable space dog figure with a bone and a flying disc; or a space rocket. All 3 models are cool space-themed gifts for play and display and illuminate when kids press down on a light brick (batteries included).
LEGO Creator 3in1 sets make great gifts for kids with 3 different models to rebuild in every box. These 3in1 transforming toy sets boost imaginative play and offer an impressive range that appeals to their biggest passions, including supercool vehicles, amazing animals and detailed houses. Please note that models cannot be built simultaneously.
- 3 space toy building options in 1 box – LEGO® Creator 3in1 Space Robot science playset lets boys and girls aged 8 and up build and rebuild 3 different toys using the same bricks
- Multiple play possibilities – Kids can stage intergalactic adventures with 3 different playsets (models cannot be built simultaneously): a Space Robot toy, a space dog figure and a space rocket
- Posable space figures – The robot toy has posable arms and fingers and a head and body that can spin around, while the space dog has a rotating head and 4 posable legs
- Illuminated models – All 3 LEGO® space models light up when kids press down on a special light brick (batteries included)
- Robot gift – 3in1 toy provides a fun build-and-play experience for space fans and can be given as a birthday gift for hours of imaginative play
- More 3in1 fun – Expand kids’ adventures with other sets (sold separately) from the LEGO® Creator 3in1 range
- LEGO® Creator toys – Every 3in1 set lets kids build 3 different models inspired by some of their biggest passions, including animals, vehicles and houses
- Measurements – This 281-piece space playset features a buildable LEGO® robot standing over 5 in. (13 cm) tall
太空机器人(Space Robots)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 281 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31164 首发于2025年。