玩乐这款适合孩子的乐高®积木拼搭的霍格沃茨™城堡:飞行课冒险套装(76447),重现《哈利·波特与魔法石》魁地奇球赛课和变形课场景。这款教室玩具套装包含霍格沃茨城堡的一部分,其中包括魁地奇装备室、变形课教室、麦格教授办公室,以及奖杯陈列室,室内展示了 14 幅具有收藏价值的霍格沃茨肖像画中的 2 幅。本套装可作为男孩、女孩和《哈利·波特™》粉丝的魔法礼物。
这座建筑可以打开,魁地奇装备室和变形教室可以拉出,以便于玩乐,还拥有有趣的扫帚飞行功能和变形功能,能够促进创意玩乐。这款魔法玩具展示套装包含 6 个深受欢迎的哈利·波特角色,可供孩子们对标志性场景进行角色扮演,并创造精彩的奇幻冒险故事。
- 适合孩子的霍格沃茨™城堡塔楼玩具套装——玩乐这款乐高®哈利·波特™霍格沃茨城堡:飞行课冒险套装,体验魁地奇球赛课和变形课
- 6 个乐高®哈利·波特™角色小人仔——哈利·波特、纳威·隆巴顿、德拉科·马尔福、麦格教授、霍琦夫人和奥利弗·伍德
- 教室玩具套装——包含一座折叠式建筑,内含魁地奇装备室、变形课教室、麦格教授办公室、奖杯陈列室和扫帚飞行功能
- 14 幅具有收藏价值的霍格沃茨™肖像画中的 2 幅——这款乐高®哈利·波特™奇幻冒险玩具套装包含 14 幅随机的霍格沃茨肖像画中的 2 幅,可以展示在奖杯陈列室中
- 适合 9 岁及以上孩子的魔法礼物——这款魔法玩具玩乐和展示套装可作为男孩、女孩和魔法世界粉丝的高品质哈利·波特™礼物
- 有趣的拼搭方式——让 LEGO® Builder 应用程序引导孩子踏上直观的拼搭探险之旅。借助此应用程序,他们可以在拼搭过程中缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度,以及保存套装
- 哈利·波特™收藏品——这款玩具套装属于模块化套装系列(单独出售),该系列套装可以连接在一起,构成有史以来最精致的乐高®积木霍格沃茨™城堡场景
- 尺寸——本套装内含 651 块组件,其中的霍格沃茨™城堡塔楼拼搭模型展开时尺寸为:高 26 厘米(10.5 英寸)、宽 32 厘米(12.5 英寸)和深 15 厘米(6 英寸)
An enchanting, collectible Harry Potter™ gift for kids
Recreate Quidditch™ and Transfiguration classes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™ with this LEGO® brick-built Hogwarts™ Castle: Flying Lessons adventure set (76447) for kids. A wizard gift for boys, girls and any Harry Potter™ fans, this classroom playset features a section of Hogwarts Castle, including the Quidditch equipment room, Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall’s office and the trophy room with 2 of 14 collectible Hogwarts portraits on display.
The building folds out , the Quidditch room and Transfiguration classroom pull out for easy play, and there are fun broom-flying functions and a Transfiguration function to inspire creative play. This magical toy play-and-display set includes 6 popular Harry Potter characters to role-play iconic scenes and make up fantasy adventure stories.
Explore this special LEGO Harry Potter collection for other modular sets (sold separately) that connect to create the most detailed brick-built Hogwarts Castle scene ever.
- Hogwarts™ Castle tower playset for kids – Play out Quidditch™ and Transfiguration classes with this LEGO® Harry Potter™ Hogwarts Castle: Flying Lessons adventure set
- 6 LEGO® Harry Potter™ character minifigures – Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom™, Draco Malfoy™, Professor McGonagall™, Madam Hooch and Oliver Wood
- Classroom playset – Features a foldout building with the Quidditch™ equipment room, Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall’s office, the trophy room and broom-flying functions
- 2 of 14 collectible Hogwarts™ portraits – This LEGO® Harry Potter™ fantasy adventure playset includes 2 of 14 random Hogwarts portrait elements to display in the trophy room
- Wizard gift idea for kids aged 9 and up – This magical toy play-and-display set is a high-quality Harry Potter™ gift for boys, girls and any fans of the Wizarding World
- A fun way to build – Let the LEGO® Builder app guide kids on an intuitive building adventure, where they can zoom in and rotate their model in 3D whilethey build, track progress and save sets
- Harry Potter™ collectible – This playset is part of a collection of modular sets (sold separately) that connect to create the most detailed LEGO® brick-built Hogwarts™ Castle scene ever
- Dimensions – The buildable Hogwarts™ Castle tower model in this 651-piece set measures over 10.5 in. (26 cm) high, 12.5 in. (32 cm) wide and 6 in. (15 cm) deep when unfolded
霍格沃茨城堡:飞行课(Hogwarts Castle: Flying Lessons)属于哈利·波特系列积木套组,整个套组包含 651 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76447 首发于2025年。