玩乐这款龙族风暴村 (71841) 玩具套装,喜爱忍者的孩子会拥有他们表演电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 3 季中史诗般的善恶之战所需的一切。这座令人印象深刻的竞技场充满了令人惊叹的玩乐价值和有趣的交互功能,可供 7 岁及以上的男孩和女孩进行长时间的角色扮演。
龙族的藏身处包含一个用于拘禁忍者角色的笼子、一座伸缩式桥梁、一个准备让忍者掉进去的骷髅深坑、一条供忍者攀爬逃脱的绳索,以及一个旋转机,可供 2 个角色坐在里面,撞倒敌人。
这款动作玩具拼搭套装还包含 6 个乐高®幻影忍者小人仔:赞、妮雅,之前从未见过的罗格,之前从未见过且这款玩具套装独有的摩罗,以及龙族战士和龙族侦察兵,他们都配备有很酷的忍者武器,可供进行忍者冒险。
- 适合孩子的幻影忍者竞技场玩具套装——拼搭和玩乐这款龙族风暴村,7 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以重现电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 3 季中的精彩场景
- 交互式忍者玩具——包含一个用于拘禁忍者角色的笼子、一座伸缩式桥梁,以及一个带有骷髅的深坑,准备让忍者掉进去
- 旋转机玩具——孩子们可将 2 个角色放入带有风暴利刃的旋转机玩具,并将其旋转起来,在假装游戏战斗中撞倒敌人
- 6 个幻影忍者小人仔——这款乐高®拼搭套装包含赞、妮雅,之前从未见过的罗格,之前从未见过且这款玩具套装独有的摩罗,以及龙族战士和龙族侦察兵
- 适合孩子的生日礼物——这款幻影忍者乐高®套装可以带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,适合作为 7 岁及以上喜欢扮演忍者英雄的孩子的生日礼物
- 更大的忍者冒险——查看更多幻影忍者玩具(套装均单独出售),其中包含各式各样的神龙、机甲和交通工具
- 忍者玩具的世界——乐高®幻影忍者套装允许孩子与他们的忍者英雄一起进入一个充满精彩冒险的奇幻世界
- 尺寸——这款龙族风暴村冒险玩具套装内含 305 块组件,尺寸为:高 20 厘米(8 英寸)、宽 22 厘米(8.5 英寸)和深 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
LEGO® NINJAGO® battle arena building kit with 6 minifigures
Ninja-loving kids have all they need to play out epic good vs. evil battles from season 3 of the NINJAGO® Dragons Rising TV show with the Dragonian Storm Village (71841) playset. This impressive battle arena is packed with incredible play value and fun interactive features so boys and girls aged 7 and up can enjoy hours of role play.
The Dragonians’ hideout includes a cage to detain ninja characters, a retractable bridge, a pit with for the ninja to fall into with a skeleton, a climbing rope so the ninja can escape and a spinner toy with space for 2 characters to sit inside and knock over enemies.
The action toy building kit also includes 6 LEGO® NINJAGO minifigures: Zane, Nya, a never-seen-before Rogue, and a never-seen-before Morro exclusive to this playset. There’s also a Dragonian Warrior and a Dragonian Scout, and they’re all armed with cool ninja weapon accessories for staging ninja adventures.
- NINJAGO® battle arena playset for kids – Boys and girls aged 7 and up can recreate action scenes from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show with the Dragonian Storm Village
- Interactive ninja toy – Includes a cage to detain ninja characters, a retractable bridge and a pit with a skeleton for the ninja to fall into
- Spinner toy – Kids can place 2 characters inside a spinner toy featuring storm blades and spin it around to knock over enemies in pretend play battles
- 6 NINJAGO® minifigures – This LEGO® building set includes Zane, Nya, a never-seen-before Rogue, a never-seen-before Morro who is exclusive to this playset, a Dragonian Warrior and a Dragonian Scout
- Birthday gift for kids – This NINJAGO® LEGO® set provides a fun build-and-play experience and is a birthday gift idea for kids aged 7 and up who love pretending to be their ninja heroes
- Bigger ninja adventures – Look out for more NINJAGO® toys (sets sold separately) featuring dragons, mechs and vehicles
- A universe ofninja toys – LEGO® NINJAGO® sets let kids escape into a fantasy world of adventures with their ninja heroes
- Measurements – This 305-piece Dragonian Storm Village adventure playset measures over 8 in. (20 cm) high, 8.5 in. (22 cm) wide and 3.5 in.(9 cm) deep
龙族风暴村(Dragonian Storm Village)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 305 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71841 首发于2025年。