这款乐高®好朋友马儿与宠物诊所 (42651) 包含 3 个乐高®好朋友迷你玩偶、一匹马、3 只狗和一只猫咪,能够促进 7 岁及以上的男孩、女孩和动物爱好者进行创意角色扮演。
小拼搭师在照料动物们的过程中,可以创造无尽的故事。本套装为兽医艾妮可准备了一片工作空间,里面有检查台、宠物食物、兽医设备和用于为动物称重的秤。马厩里有干草、干草叉、刷子、马鞍和带有马儿 X 光片的写字夹板。孩子们可以对宠物主人的故事进行角色扮演,让奥利带着他的猫去看兽医,奥特姆也带着她的马儿来检查。兽医也有自己的宠物——一只狗和它的两只小狗。为动物们做完检查后,是时候让艾妮可上楼休息了,那里有卧室和浴室。
- 适合动物爱好者进行假装游戏——这款马儿与宠物诊所玩具包含 3 个乐高®好朋友迷你玩偶、一匹马、3 只狗和一只猫咪,非常适合 7 岁及以上的男孩、女孩和动物爱好者
- 马儿和马厩——借助待在马厩里的马儿雷声讲述有趣的故事。还有许多配件,像骑手头盔、马鞍、干草叉、刷子、干草、X 光片结果
- 3 个迷你玩偶和 5 个动物玩偶——这款社交技能玩具可以为孩子提供很多发挥创造力的机会,他们可以讲述奥利和奥特姆如何带着他们的宠物去宠物诊所的故事
- 兽医配件——这款动物玩具套装包含许多有趣的角色扮演配件,其中包括收银机、向日葵、宠物食物、兽医帽、宠物便便、洗发水和肥皂
- 适合孩子的礼物——这款动物玩具套装可作为喜爱动物和创意故事的孩子的一份有趣生日礼物或任何时候的礼物
- 在线剧集——通过其它套装(单独出售)和《乐高®好朋友:新篇章 (LEGO® Friends: The Next Chapter)》在线剧集获得更多创意玩乐的灵感,孩子们也可以从中了解心湖城的角色
- 尺寸——本套装内含 428 块组件,其中的主模型尺寸为:高 15 厘米(6 英寸)、宽 20 厘米(8 英寸)和深 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
Creative toy has 3 minidolls and horse, dog and cat figures
Inspire creative pretend play for girls, boys and animal-lovers aged 7 and up. The LEGO® Friends Horse and Pet Vet Clinic (42651) comes with 3 LEGO Friends minidolls, a horse, 3 dogs and a cat figure.
Young builders can create endless stories as they care for the animals. The set has a working space for vet Eniko, with an examination table, pet food, veterinary equipment and a scale to weigh the animals. The stable has hay, a pitchfork, brush, saddle and a clipboard with the horse’s X-ray. Kids can role-play pet-owner stories as Olly brings his cat to see the vet and Autumn visits with her horse. The vet has her own pets – a dog and its two puppies. After giving the animals a checkup, it’s time for Eniko to head upstairs, where there’s a bedroom and bathroom.
This set comes with lots of fun animal-themed accessories, making it a great birthday present idea or anytime gift for little animal-lovers. Discover more pretend-play building sets (sold separately) in the LEGO Friends universe.
- Pretend play for animal-lovers – This Horse and Pet Vet Clinic toy for girls, boys and animal fans aged 7 years old and up comes with 3 LEGO® Friends minidolls, a horse, 3 dogs and a cat figure
- Horse and stable – Tell fun stories with Thunder the horse who is staying in the stable and comes with accessories, including a rider’s helmet, saddle, pitchfork, brush, hay and X-ray results
- 3 minidolls and 5 animal figures – There is lots of opportunity for creativity with this social-skills toy askids tell the story of how Olly and Autumn visit the vet clinic with their pets
- Vet accessories – This animal toy set comes with lots of fun accessories for role play, including a cash register, sunflowers, pet food, a vet’s hat, pet poop elements, shampoo and soap
- A gift for kids – This animal playset makes a fun birthday present idea or anytime gift for kids who love animals and creative storytelling
- Online show – Inspire more creative-play ideas with other sets (sold separately) and the LEGO® Friends: The Next Chapter online show, where kids can get to know the characters of Heartlake City
- Measurements – 428-piece set with a main model measuring over 6 in. (15 cm) high, 8 in. (20 cm) wide and 3.5 in. (9 cm) deep
马儿与宠物诊所(Horse and Pet Vet Clinic)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 428 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42651 首发于2025年。