正在为喜爱动物的学龄前儿童寻找礼物?借助这款三合一野生动物集合 (10446) 玩具,宝宝们可以开启世界冒险之旅。这款学习玩具包含 10 个乐高®得宝®动物玩偶,充满教育意义。
喜爱大自然玩具的宝宝可以培养一系列技能。这种匹配和分类玩具让他们对动物父母和宝宝进行配对和比较,并决定每只动物吃哪种食物。他们将发挥创造力,以无限种方式重新拼搭这款 3 合 1 乐高得宝套装,并运用想象力来照顾动物。
- 适合小动物爱好者的学习玩具——这款三合一野生动物集合幼儿玩具带领学龄前儿童踏上环球学习冒险之旅,同时教他们学习一系列早期技能
- 大自然玩具教宝宝建立人际关系——宝宝们可以探索乐高®得宝®动物玩偶的居住地、饮食习惯以及照顾幼崽的方式
- 这款创意玩具包含 10 只乐高®得宝®野生动物,可供创造精彩的故事——包含老虎、大象、鹿和熊猫玩偶,每个玩偶都带着幼崽,还有 2 只海龟
- 在玩乐中培养技能——这款益智学习玩具可以激发想象力和创造力,教孩子掌握分类、匹配和比较技能,并向他们展示如何关心他人
- 适合宝宝的生日礼物——这款内容丰富的玩具套装可作为喜爱动物的男孩和女孩的特殊场合或节日礼物,能够令 2 岁及以上的学龄前儿童度过美好的一天
- 数字化拼搭说明——LEGO® Builder 应用程序为这款创意玩具提供数字版拼搭说明,本套装经过严格测试,以确保安全的玩乐体验
- 培养快乐的心灵和富有创造力的头脑——乐高®得宝®创意玩具拥有可爱的动物玩偶、可以辨识的情境和各种各样的现实生活英雄,有助于宝宝了解周围的世界
- 尺寸——本套装内含 92 块组件,其中每个动物生活区域可以首尾相连,整个草原场景尺寸为:高 20 厘米、宽 34 厘米和深 22 厘米
Educational learning toy builds creativity and imagination
Looking for a gift for an animal-loving preschool kid? Toddlers take an adventure tour of the world with the 3in1 Wild Animal Families (10446) toy. Packed with educational features, this learning toy includes 10 LEGO® DUPLO® animal figures.
This toddler toy features a savannah scene where a tigress and a tiger cub figure feed on a bone then play on the rocks, and an elephant figure leads its calf to a waterfall. Toddlers use fine motor skills as they clip the baby to the adult elephant’s tail.At the beach the turtles figures are laying eggs. In the forest the panda figure and its cub play under the cherry blossom, while cute deer figures graze in the glade.
Toddlers who love nature toys hone a raft of skills. This matching and sorting toy lets them pair and make comparisons between the parent and the baby and decide which food each animal eats. They’ll use creativity to rebuild this 3in1 LEGO DUPLO set in limitless ways and use their imaginations to care for the animal toys.
- Learning toy for little animal-lovers – The 3in1 Wild Animal Families toddler toy takes preschoolers on a learning adventure around the world, while teaching toddlers a raft of early skills
- Nature toy teaches nurturing relationships – Toddlers explore where the LEGO® DUPLO® animals figures live, what they eat and how they care for their young
- Imagination toy with 10 LEGO® DUPLO® wild animals for creative story-making – Includes tiger, elephant, deer and panda figures, each with a baby, and 2 turtle figures
- Skill-building play – Educational learning toy promotes imagination and creativity, teaching, sorting, matching and comparing skills and shows kids how to care for others
- Birthday gift idea for toddlers – Make the day of any preschooler aged 2 plus with this feature-packed playset, the perfect special occasion or holiday gift for animal-loving boys and girls
- Digital building instructions – The LEGO® Builder app features a digital version of the instructions included with thiscreativity toy, which has been tested to ensure a safe play experience
- Building happy hearts and creative minds – With cute animal figures, recognizable situations and diverse real-life heroes, LEGO® DUPLO® creativity toys help toddlers understand the world around them
- Dimensions – With each animal area lined up end to end, this 92-piece set includes a savannah scene measuring over 7.5 in. (20 cm) high, 13.5 in. (34 cm) wide and 8.5 in. (22 cm) deep
三合一野生动物集合(3in1 Wild Animal Families)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 92 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10446 首发于2025年。