通过这款具有收藏价值的乐高®建筑罗马许愿池 (21062) 罗马纪念品成人拼搭套装,展现你对意大利地标、历史和旅行的热爱之情。这款怀旧的生日或节日礼物能够让你在拼搭过程中沉浸在这座喷泉的历史和神话传说中,并以小人仔形式重新塑造雕塑。该模型旨在重现在阳光明媚的日子观看喷泉的体验。
- 罗马许愿池地标模型——借助这款内含 1880 块组件的罗马许愿池怀旧礼物拼搭套装,体验重现一座标志性罗马巴洛克式建筑的每一步
- 专为历史和旅行爱好者准备的纪念品——你的拼搭之旅允许你重现这座标志性罗马喷泉的所有荣耀,同时体验更新的拼搭技术等
- 精致逼真的模型——欣赏立面的背景、雕像人物的细节、迷你海马和小型“恋人喷泉”,以及其它丰富和完善这款模型的物品
- 适合居室的意大利纪念品——将可以拼搭的路灯和路桩放置在喷泉前方,并把名牌拼放在建筑物前面的底座上,然后将整个模型展示起来
- 适合成人的乐高®罗马许愿池礼物——这款值得收藏的乐高家居装饰套装可作为你自己或其他喜爱历史、建筑、旅行或意大利的成人的超棒礼物
- 分步式指南——既可以从随附的小册子中找到拼搭说明,其中还介绍了地标建筑罗马许愿池的历史,也可以查看 LEGO® Builder 应用程序中的数字版拼搭说明
- 乐高®成人套装——这款乐高建筑模型属于高品质的拼搭套装系列,专为像你这样喜欢动手式创意活动的成人而设计
- 收藏模型尺寸——这款怀旧礼物展示模型内含 1880 块组件,尺寸为:高 25 厘米(10 英寸)、宽 38 厘米(15 英寸)和深 18 厘米(7 英寸)
LEGO® model of a famous Rome landmark – the Trevi Fountain
Embrace your love of Italian landmarks, history and travel with this collectible LEGO® Architecture Trevi Fountain (21062) Rome memorabilia building set for adults. This nostalgic birthday gift or Christmas present immerses you in the history and mythology of the fountain as you build, reimagining sculptures in minifigure form. The model is meant to recreate the experience of viewing the fountain on a sunny day.
Experience updated building techniques while creating authentic details like the facade of the Palazzo Poli and iconic statues of Oceanus in his shell chariot and Abundance and Health in minifigure form. There’s also hippocampi and Tritons in the water, the small ‘Lovers’ Fountain’ off to the side, and a nameplate to complete a spectacular desk display model of the Trevi Fountain.
This set from the LEGO Architecture series will appeal to you or any creative adults who are lovers of history, art, travel or Italy, plus it’s the perfect Rome memorabilia that any architecture fan would be proud to own.
- Trevi Fountain model landmark – Embrace every step in the architectural recreation of an iconic Rome baroque monument with this 1,880-piece Trevi Fountain nostalgic gift building kit for adults
- Memorabilia for history and travel-lovers – Your building journey lets you recreate the iconic Rome fountain in all its glory, while enjoying updated building techniques and more
- Authentically detailed model – Admire the facade’s backdrop, the details of the statue figures, mini hippocampi and small ’Lovers’ Fountain’, plus other items that enhance and complete the model
- Italian memorabilia for the home – Place buildable streetlamps and bollards at the front of the fountain and attach the nameplate to the base at the front of the building, then place it on display
- LEGO® Trevi Fountain gift for adults – This collectible home decor LEGO set makes a great present for you or another creative adult who is a lover of history, architecture, travel or Italy
- Step-by-step guide – Find building instructions in the included booklet, which features the history of the Trevi Fountain landmark, or follow a digital version on the LEGO® Builder app
- LEGO® Sets for Adults – This LEGO Architecture model is part of an assortment of premium-quality building sets for adults like you who enjoy hands-on creative activities
- Collectible model dimensions – This 1,880-piece nostalgic gift display model measures over 25 cm (10 in.) high, 38 cm (15 in.) wide and 18 cm (7 in.) deep
罗马许愿池(Trevi Fountain)属于建筑系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1880 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21062 首发于2025年。