这款乐高®经典炫酷百变积木盒 (11043)模型充满拼搭和玩乐,能够激发孩子的想象力。它包含 510 块色彩绚丽的积木,以及轮子和其他特殊组件,5 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以创造和组合各种时尚玩具,以及他们自己的创意作品。
许多色彩绚丽的积木,加上眼睛、轮子和铰链,最大限度地提高了这款多功能套装的可玩性。可拼搭玩具包括游戏控制器、戴眼镜的恐龙、可开合的手机、滑板、巨轮越野车和带耳机的 DJ 套件。模型可以组合和定制,以获得更多乐趣 —— 例如将耳机戴在恐龙上,将恐龙放在滑板上。
- 充满玩乐价值 —— 炫酷百变积木盒拥有众多适合孩子们自己拼搭的时尚玩具,它为 5 岁及以上的男孩和女孩提供了富有想象力的可能性
- 可供创建和定制的玩具——这款多功能套装包含许多色彩绚丽的积木,以及眼睛、轮子和铰链,以最大限度地提高可玩性
- 创意拼搭套装——可拼搭的玩具包括游戏控制器、戴眼镜的恐龙、可开合的手机、滑板、巨轮越野车和带耳机的 DJ 套件
- 无尽的创意乐趣 ——孩子们可以将自己的创意变为现实,或者组合和自定义模型以获得更多玩乐机会
- 适合 5 岁及以上孩子的礼物——这款内容丰富的玩具是一份色彩缤纷的创意奖励,旨在未来的几年中激发孩子们的想象力
- 获取更多乐趣——查看全系列的乐高®经典玩具(单独出售),获得更多动手式创意玩乐机会
- 有助于培养技能的积木——乐高®经典系列玩具能够带来许多创意和灵感,允许父母与他们的孩子分享拼搭的乐趣和成长历程
- 510 件套 —— 手机玩具尺寸超过 10 厘米(4 英寸)长,恐龙玩具直立超过 9 厘米( 3.5英寸) 高。游戏控制器尺寸超过8 厘米(3 英寸)宽
Cool, colorful building bricks for creating on-trend models
LEGO® Classic Cool Creative Box (11043) is bursting with build-and-play models to inspire kids’ imaginations. With 510 colorful bricks, plus wheels and other special elements, boys and girls aged 5 and up can create and combine a wide variety of on-trend toys as well as imaginative creations of their own.
Lots of colorful bricks, plus eyes, wheels and hinges, maximize this versatile set’s playability. Buildable toys include a game controller, dinosaur with glasses, open-and-close cellphone, skateboard, monster truck and DJ kit with headphones. Models can be combined and customized for even more fun – such as putting the headphones on the dinosaur, and the dinosaur on the skateboard.
- Bursting with play value – With so many on-trend toys for kids to build themselves, Cool Creative Box is packed with imaginative possibilities for boys and girls aged 5 and up
- Toys to create and customize – This versatile set includes lots of colorful bricks, plus eyes, wheels and hinges, to maximize playability
- Creative building set– Buildable toys include a game controller, dinosaur with glasses, open-and-close cellphone, skateboard, monster truck and DJ kit with headphones
- Endlessly creative fun – Kids can bring imaginative ideas of their own to life, or combine and customize models for even more play possibilities
- Gift for ages 5 and up – This endlessly versatile toy is a colorful and creative treat designed to inspire kids’ imaginations for years to come
- Expand the fun – Check out the full range of LEGO® Classic toys (sold separately) for more hands-on imaginative play
- Bricks that build skills – LEGO® Classic toys are filled with ideas and inspiration and allow parents toshare building fun and developmental milestones with their kids
- 510-piece set – The cellphone toy measures over 4 in. (10 cm) long, the dinosaur toy stands over 3.5 in. (9 cm) tall and the games controller measures over 3 in. (8 cm) wide
炫酷百变积木盒(Cool Creative Box)属于创意百变系列积木套组,整个套组包含 510 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 11043 首发于2025年。