黛西是长发公主的宠物小狗,她正在为她所有的皇宫宠物朋友们准备一场非常特别 的舞会!帮助她在金色的贝壳浴室里放松,并使用各种洗发水来呵护她。然后将她 安置在镜子前,用梳子和剪刀为她修剪打扮。黛西现在只需要口红和头饰就好了— —她会选择哪一个?
Help Daisy get ready for the Palace Pets’ ball!
Daisy is Rapunzel’s pet pup, and she’s getting ready for a very special ball with all her Palace Pet friends! Help her relax in the golden shell bath and use all the shampoo bottles to pamper her. Then sit her down at the mirror to groom her with the brush and scissors. All Daisy needs now is some lipstick and a tiara—which one will she choose?
- Includes Daisy, Rapunzel’s pet puppy.
- Daisy’s Beauty Salon features a golden shell bath, turning mirror, accessories stand, stools, waiting area and cash register.
- Pamper Daisy in the golden shell bath and at the turning mirror.
- Choose hair accessories and tiara for your Palace Pets.
- Accessory elements include a brush, scissors, 2 tiaras, 2 flowers, bow, lipstick, glittery perfume bottles, cup and a cookie.
- Daisy’s Beauty Salon measures over 3” (9cm) high, 4” (11cm) wide and 1”(4cm) deep.
- Mirror stand base plate can be combined with the 41142 Palace Pets Royal Castle for a unique Palace Pets play experience.
迪士尼:小宠物黛西的美容沙龙(Daisy's Beauty Salon)属于女孩系列积木套组,整个套组包含 98 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41140 首发于2016年。