终极罗宾虽然只是骑士学院一年级的学生,但已经拥有了无与伦比的机器人终极战 甲!将令人叹为观止的弹簧加压发射器改装为机器腿,成为更高大的战士。用静电冲击弹给敌人重重一击,或趁其不备向敌人投掷鸡腿!透过扫描防护盾升级战斗技能,获得三个 NEXO 威力,增添您独特的数码技 能,智胜小丑及邪恶的熔岩怪兽军队,尽在免费的乐高® NEXO KNIGHTS™:梅洛克 2.0 应用程式。扫描获得三个 NEXO 能量:机甲大师、小鸡能量及风暴雷龙。
Shoot to the top of the class with Ultimate Robin and his robotic armor!
Ultimate Robin is only in his first year at Knight’s Academy, but has robotic ultra armor in a class of its own! Change his impressive spring-loaded shooter into robot legs to grow tall. Jolt opponents with the static shock projectiles or be sneaky and throw chicken legs at the enemy! Upgrade your battle skills by scanning shields to obtain 3 NEXO Powers for your digital collection of unique abilities to outsmart Jestro and the evil Lava monsters in the free LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™: MERLOK 2.0 app.Scan for 3 NEXO Powers: Mech Master, Chicken Power and Storm Dragon.
- Ultimate Robin merges live-action play with 3 scannable shields to obtain unique NEXO Powers for digital gaming.
- Weapons include 2 spring-loaded shooters with an extra missile, and a sword.
- Accessory elements include 2 chicken bones, 2 static shock projectiles, a toolbox, helmet and a showcase stand.
- Transform the ultra armor’s spring-loaded shooters into robot legs!
- Includes an Ultimate Robin minifigure.
- Stands over 2” (6cm) tall.
- Download the free LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™: MERLOK 2.0 app to your smartphone or tablet. Ask your parents’ permission first.
- Scan shields for each of the 3 NEXO Powers (Mech Master, Chicken Power and Storm Dragon) and power up in the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ game!
- Collect and mix between all the Ultimate LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ sets to boost your collection of ultimate battle gear.
- Watch all your favorite NEXO KNIGHTS™ episodes on Cartoon Network.
超级骑士 罗宾(Ultimate Robin)属于未来骑士团系列积木套组,整个套组包含 75 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 70333 首发于2016年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。