通过了不起的乐高®创意百变组水陆空三合一探险车套装,享受地面、空中和水上的冒险! 拼砌坚固的越野车,欣赏其漂亮的绿白黑配色、超酷的工作绞车和挂钩机制、可以打开的车门、厚实的深纹轮胎、超高的挡泥板、结实的保险杠以及橙色警示灯。它甚至还有工具包和灭火器组件,再加上可拆卸的车顶和车门,看起来更有野外气派! 坐上驾驶座,发动这辆重型车辆,驶过岩石、泥泞和崎岖小径! 当你结束在野外的跋涉,可以将其重新拼砌成炫酷的气垫船或高速直升机,享受更多欢乐探险!
Experience land, air or sea with the 3-in-1 Adventure Vehicles set!
Enjoy land, air and water adventures with the awesome 3-in-1 LEGO® Creator Adventure Vehicles set! Have fun building the tough offroader, with its green, white and black color scheme, cool, working winch and hook mechanism, opening doors, chunky deep-tread tires, ultra-high fenders, sturdy bull bar and orange warning beacons. It even has tool kit and fire extinguisher elements, plus a removable roof and doors for a more rugged look! Get behind the wheel and put this heavy-duty vehicle through its paces, drive over rocks, mud and rutted trails! When you’re done offroading, rebuild it to create an awesome hovercraft or a high-speed helicopter for even more fun adventures!