与风之精灵——艾拉一起,拼砌一架能够飞行的雪橇!乘坐飞马星耀和鲁弗斯拉动 的马车,直冲云霄,帮助乐高®精灵找到魔法风之匙,才能把迷路的朋友艾米丽•琼 斯送回人类世界。抱着满满一箱子饼干,踏上旅程,沿着魔法地图指示的方向,跟 随艾拉和火之精灵——阿莎莉,前往空中的古老风车。最后一把钥匙就在龙宝宝米 库的手中,精灵朋友如何才能从她手中拿到钥匙呢?帮助艾拉施展风之魔法,向米 库抛出饼干,趁她注意力分散的时候拿走钥匙。套装包括风之精灵艾拉和火之精灵 阿莎莉你玩偶人物,以及龙宝宝米库和两匹飞马:星耀和鲁弗斯。
Fly up to the sky in a magical sleigh pulled by flying horses!
Build a flying sleigh with Aira Windwhistler, the Wind Elf! Fly up to the clouds pulled by Starshine and Rufus, the 2 pegasi to help the LEGO® Elves find the magic wind key they need to send their lost friend Emily Jones back to the human world. Load up the chest with cookies for the journey and then follow the magic map with Aira and Azari Firedancer, the Fire Elf, to an ancient windmill in the sky. Miku the baby dragon has the last key, but how will the elf friends get it from her? Help Aira muster her magic wind powers to blow cookies towards Miku, and distract her long enough to grab the key. Includes Aira Windwhistler and Azari Firedancer mini-doll figures, plus Miku the baby dragon and 2 pegasi: Starshine and Rufus.