驾驶警用超级跑车在城市里巡逻!突然,电台报告有人偷走了一个保险柜。转过拐 角,正好看到坏蛋在试图打开保险柜,他发动皮卡车正想要逃跑。赶到坏蛋前方去 布置警用锥形桶,阻截坏蛋。在乐高®城市,一天就是这样忙碌和刺激!
Catch the crook before he gets away with the safe!
Take a drive around the city in the police supercar! Suddenly you hear on the radio that someone has stolen a safe. Turn a corner and spot the crook trying to break into it and then chase after him in his pickup truck if he tries to get away. Race ahead of him to set up the police cones and stop the bad guy. It’s always a busy and exciting day in LEGO® City!