玩乐这款乐高®创意百变组3合1 31083巡航大历险套装,前往阳光海岸,该套装拥有一艘豪华游艇,其采用超酷的蓝、白双色配色方案,并具有一系列仿真细节,包括一个雷达和一个可以进入的带卫生间船舱。这艘游艇拥有4个悬挂在船体上的救生圈,还配有一辆水上摩托、冲浪板、钓鱼竿、棕榈树和一座沙堡。可对这款套装进行重拼,开启全新的探险之旅,既可以是一座配有码头和帆船的舒适沙滩小屋,也可以是一架设有停机坪和控制塔的超酷直升机。包括3个小人仔,都已准备好踏上欢乐的冒险之旅。
- 包括3个小人仔:男人、女人和一个小朋友,都已准备好踏上欢乐的冒险之旅。
- 该套装拥有一艘豪华游艇,其配有精致的船舱和卫生间、雷达、4个悬挂在船体上的救生圈,以及钓鱼竿、棕榈树、沙堡和一辆水上摩托。
- 驾驶这艘豪华游艇前往阳光明媚的海湾,并乘坐水上摩托驶向沙滩。
- 拼搭一座沙堡,进行冲浪或者在棕榈树的树荫下享受野餐。
- 玩乐这款乐高®创意百变组3合1模型,继续你的冒险之旅。可对这款套装进行重拼,既可以是一座配有码头和帆船的舒适沙滩小屋,也可以是一架设有停机坪和控制塔的超酷直升机。
- 豪华游艇尺寸:高16厘米(超过6英寸)、长27厘米(10英寸)和宽10厘米(3英寸)。
- 沙滩小屋尺寸:高9厘米(超过3英寸)、宽13厘米(5英寸)和深19厘米(7英寸)。
- 直升机机身长度:16厘米(超过7英寸)。
Sail aboard a luxury yacht with the Cruising Adventures set!
Head for sunny shores with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set, featuring a luxury yacht with a cool blue and white color scheme and an array of realistic details, including a radar and an accessible cabin with toilet. The yacht also features 4 hull-mounted life preservers and comes with a water scooter, surfboard, fishing rod, palm tree and a sandcastle. Rebuild this set for whole new adventures featuring a cozy Beach House with a dock and sailboat, or a Helicopter with a landing pad and control tower. Includes 3 minifigures, all ready for fun and adventure.
- Includes 3 minifigures: a male, female and a child, all ready for fun and adventure.
- Features a luxury yacht with a detailed cabin and toilet, radar and 4 hull-mounted life preservers, plus a fishi...ail the luxury yacht to a sunny bay, hop onto the water scooter and head for the beach.
- Build a sandcastle, try a spot of surfing or enjoy a picnic beneath the shade of a palm tree.
- Continue the adventure with this LEGO® Creator 3in1 model. Rebuild to create a cozy Beach House with a dock and sailboat or an awesome Helicopter with a landing pad and control tower.
- Luxury Yacht measures over 6” (16cm) high, 10” (27cm) long and 3” (10cm) wide.
- Beach House measures 3” (9cm) high, 5” (13cm) wide and 7” (19cm) deep.
- Helicopter fuselage measures over 7” (16cm) long.
巡航大历险(Cruising Adventures)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 597 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31083 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。