是时候捍卫宇宙了,准备组成乐高®创意 21311 百兽王Voltron——有史以来最大的可拼搭乐高机甲!这款酷炫的套装拥有可拼搭且高度灵活的黑色、蓝色、黄色、红色和绿色狮子,可使用超强的关节把它们组合起来,形成超级机器人战神金刚,该套装还包括紧握在战神金刚手中的一把巨剑和一面盾牌。既可作为理想的展示品,也可以再现 20 世纪 80 年代原版电视动画和现代梦工厂《新战神金刚:传奇守护神》系列中惊心动魄的激烈情景。
- 包括 5 只可拼搭且可摆出各种姿势的雄狮,它们可以变形组合为巨型的超级机器人——战神金刚。
- 可以与单个狮子玩乐,也可以使用超强的关节把它们组合成战神金刚——黑狮形成躯干和头部;红色和绿色狮子形成手臂;蓝色和黄色狮子形成腿部。
- 可以活动战神金刚的头部、肩部、手臂和手腕(腿部不可活动),摆出超酷的姿势。
- 还包括紧握在战神金刚手中的一把剑和一面盾牌(每个上面都饰有银色的元件).
- 随附一本手册,内含拼搭说明,以及与本套装粉丝创作者的相关信息和乐高®设计师的精彩表现。
- 这款套装包括超过 2321 块积木。
- 既可以用来展示,也可以演绎 20 世纪 80 年代原版电视动画和现代梦工厂《新战神金刚:传奇守护神》系列中惊心动魄的激烈情景。
- 战神金刚尺寸:高 40 厘米(超过 15 英寸)、长 14 厘米(5 英寸)和宽 21 厘米(8 英寸)。
- 黑狮尺寸:高 17 厘米(超过 6 英寸)、长 22 厘米(8 英寸)和宽 15 厘米(5 英寸)。
- 黄色和蓝色狮子每只尺寸:高 8 厘米(超过 3 英寸)、长 21 厘米(8 英寸)和宽 8 厘米(3英寸)。
- 绿色和红色狮子每只尺寸:高 8 厘米(超过 3 英寸)、长 18 厘米(7 英寸)和宽 5 厘米(1 英寸)。
- 战神金刚宝剑长 29 厘米(11 英寸)。
- 战神金刚盾牌直径为 16 厘米(6 英寸)。
原作者为菲律宾玩家 Lendy Tayag(len_d69),于2016年4月11日上传在 LEGO IDEAS 平台。仅用了22天,就达到了10000粉丝投票。
"Activate Interlocks,
Dynatherms Connected,
Infracells Up,
Megathrusters are Go!"
"Let's Go Voltron Force!!"
This is one of the popular super robots in the 80's. Based on the Japanese Anime "Beast King GoLion", it is made up of 5 robotic lions that combines to form Voltron.
The Set
A childhood favorite, I tried to recreate Voltron as faithfully as I could in both lion and combined form. Adding in details to make it look as close as possible to its Anime version.
There are basically five separate lions in the set, each having their own unique articulation. They can be played with individually or as one big robot.
1) Black Lion - Forms the head and the body
2) Red and Green Lions - Form the arms
3) Blue and Yellow Lions - Form the legs
When combined, they form Voltron which stands around 16 inches in height and weighs close to 1kg
Let’s go Voltron force in LEGO® style!
It’s time to defend the universe so get ready to form LEGO® Ideas 21311 Voltron, the biggest buildable LEGO mech ever! This awesome set features buildable and highly posable black, blue, yellow, red and green lions with specially designed, extra-strong joints to combine them all and create the Voltron super robot, plus a huge sword and shield that attach firmly to Voltron's hands. Ideal for display or to recreate thrilling action from the original 1980s animated Voltron TV series and the modern DreamWorks Voltron: Legendary Defender series.
- Features 5 buildable and posable lions that can be transformed and combined to create the giant Voltron super robot.
- Play with the lions individually or combine them using extra-strong joints to form Voltron—the black lion forms the head and torso; the red and green lions form the arms; and the yellow and blue lions form the legs.
- Pose the head, shoulders, arms and wrists of Voltron (legs are not posable).
- Also includes a sword and shield (each with silver-colored elements) that attach firmly to Voltron’s hands.
- Includes a booklet with building instructions, plus information about the set’s fan creator and super force of LEGO® designers.
- This set includes over 2,321 pieces.
- Display or play out exciting stories from the original 1980s animated Voltron TV series and the modern DreamWorks Voltron: Legendary Defender series.
- Voltron measures over 15” (40cm) high, 5” (14cm) long and 8” (21cm) wide.
- Black lion measures over 6” (17cm) high, 8” (22cm) long and 5” (15cm) wide.
- Yellow and blue lions each measure over 3” (8cm) high, 8” (21cm) long and 3” (8cm) wide.
- Green and red lions each measure over 3” (8cm) high, 7” (18cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide.
- Voltron’s sword measures 11” (29cm) long.
- Voltron’s shield measures 6” (16cm) in diameter.
百兽王Voltron(Voltron)属于Ideas系列积木套组,整个套组包含 2321 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21311 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、王牌KING、狮子王 LION KING、无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。