- 包括可拼搭的独角狗王子™、恐龙仔和小滑板人仔。
- 该套装包括一辆三轮车,其配有超大的篮球式前轮、篮球装饰的后轮、两个闪光物质射钉枪,以及一个箱子。
- 配件包括可用来射击的闪光物质凸粒、一颗球、冰激凌和一块披萨。
- 与独角狗王子™一起乘坐他的好玩的三轮车,传播欢乐,体验探险!
- 可与恐龙仔和小滑板一起玩球,祝你玩得开心!然后还可以享受美味的披萨和冰激凌!
- 乐高®独角猫!™套装易于拼搭,可在家中完美再现电视剧集中精彩神奇的情节。
- 可与41451独角猫™云车组合,与独角狗王子的姐姐一起在独角王国里进行更多的大冒险!
- 三轮车尺寸:高6厘米(超过2英寸)、长10厘米(3英寸)和宽7厘米(2英寸)。
- 恐龙仔™尺寸:高5厘米(超过1英寸)、宽5厘米(1英寸)和深4厘米(1英寸)。
Whizz off in search of fun and adventures with Prince Puppycorn™ and his friends.
Relive favorite moments from the happiest, most sparkly and colorful TV series around with the LEGO® Unikitty™! 41452 Prince Puppycorn™ Trike. This fun set features 2 sparkle matter stud shooters, bone, flag, huge rolling basketball for a front wheel and baseball-decorated rear wheels! The set also features a crate of treats and 3 buildable figures from the series.
- Includes buildable Prince Puppycorn™, Dino Dude and Kick Flip figures.
- Features a tricycle with oversized basketball front wheel, baseball-decorated rear wheels, 2 sparkle matter stud shooters, plus a crate.
- Accessory elements include sparkle matter studs for shooting, a ball, ice cream and a pizza.
- Spread the spirit of fun and adventure with Prince Puppycorn™ on his amazing trike!
- Have fun playing ball with Dino Dude and Kick Flip before tucking into delicious pizza and ice cream!
- LEGO® Unikitty™! sets are easy to build and perfect for recreating the magic and sparkle of the TV series at home.
- Combine with 41451 Unikitty™ Cloud Car to team up with Prince Puppycorn’s big sister and create even more adventures in Unikingdom.
- Trike measures over 2” (6cm) high, 3” (10cm) long and 2” (7cm) wide.
- Dino Dude™ measures over 1” (5cm) high, 1” (5cm) wide and 1” (4cm) deep.
Puppycorn王子三轮车(Prince Puppycorn Trike)属于独角猫系列积木套组,整个套组包含 101 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41452 首发于2018年,之后被将牌LELE、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。