拥有这款酷炫的乐高®创意百变高手系列10262James Bond Aston Martin DB5,尽情享受拼搭乐趣吧!这款令人叹为观止的仿真模型深得特工007标志性的1964版英国跑车的精髓——优雅与永恒经典的完美融合,其拥有大量仿真细节和功能性装置。打开车门,就可以观赏到精致的内部,其中隐藏着一台跟踪计算机,还有一个放有电话的车门隔区。需要展开行动时,可启动乘客弹射座椅,转动可旋转的牌照,升起后车窗防弹护盾,启动装配在轮子上的轮胎切割器,并拉回变速杆显露出汽车前翼机枪。这款收藏版模型汽车还包括一个精致的直列六缸发动机、银色圆筒形前保险杠和后保险杠、模塑的银色钢丝轮辋嵌件,以及汽车前部和后部阿斯顿·马丁标识。该模型旨在提供一种带有怀旧气息的拼搭体验,既富有挑战,也充满成就感——阿斯顿·马丁DB5、詹姆斯·邦德系列电影和乐高拼搭套装粉丝的必备藏品。
- 这款世界著名的1964版James Bond Aston Martin DB5跑车仿真版模型拥有许多经典设计,银色圆筒形前保险杠和后保险杠、模塑的银色钢丝轮辋嵌件,以及可打开的行李箱、发动机盖、车门,还有大量詹姆斯·邦德的装置,包括一个可启动的弹出式座椅、可旋转的牌照、后车窗防弹护盾、汽车前翼机枪和装配在轮子上的轮胎。
- 这款乐高®James Bond Aston Martin DB5模型还包括可打开的车门、隐藏着一台跟踪计算机的精致内部,以及一个放有电话的车门隔区。
- 可以打开发动机盖,查看精致的直列六缸发动机。
- 可拉回后保险杠,将不收欢迎的乘客弹出。
- 可转动汽车牌照,升起后车窗防弹护盾,并启动装配在轮子上的轮胎切割器。
- 可拉回变速杆显露出汽车前翼机枪。
- 拥有这款收藏版James Bond Aston Martin DB5模型,这辆车曾出现在经典的James Bond《金手指》电影中。
- 该套装所含的积木数量超过1290块,适于16岁及以上的孩子玩乐。
- 2018年8月新款特殊组件包括圆筒形连接器、2x4光板、1m横梁,以及一块1x2带有格栅图形的印制光板。
- 尺寸:高10厘米(超过3英寸)、长34厘米(13英寸)和宽12厘米(4英寸)。
Uncover the secrets of the Bond… James Bond™ Aston Martin DB5!
Get a license to build with the awesome LEGO® Creator Expert 10262 James Bond™ Aston Martin DB5. This impressive replica model captures the elegance and timeless sophistication of Agent 007’s iconic 1964 sports car, and comes with a wealth of authentic details and functioning gadgetry. Open the doors and you'll discover a detailed interior with a concealable radar tracker and a door compartment containing a telephone. And when it's time for action, activate the passenger ejector seat, turn the revolving number plates, raise the rear-window bulletproof screen, deploy the wheel-mounted tyre scythes and pull back the gearstick to reveal the front wing machine guns. This collectible model car also features a detailed straight-6 engine, drum-lacquered silver front and rear bumpers, moulded silver-coloured wire wheel rim inserts and front and rear Aston Martin logos. The model has been designed to provide a challenging and rewarding building experience full of nostalgia—a must-have for fans of the Aston Martin DB5, James Bond movies and LEGO building sets.
- Authentic replica of the world-famous 1964 Aston Martin DB5 sports car, featuring a classic design with drum-lacquered silver front and rear bumpers, moulded silver-coloured wire wheel rim inserts, opening boot, bonnet and doors, and a wealth of James Bond™ gadgetry, including a working ejector seat, revolving number plates, rear-window bulletproof screen, front wing machine guns and wheel-mounted tyre scythes.
- This LEGO® James Bond™ Aston Martin DB5 model also features opening doors and a detailed interior with a concealable radar tracker and door compartment with telephone.
- Lift the bonnet to check out the straight-6 engine detailing.
- Pull back the rear bumper to eject unwelcome passengers.
- Revolve the number plates, raise the rear-window bulletproof screen and deploy the wheel-mounted tyre scythes.
- Pull back the gearstick to reveal the front wing machine guns.
- Own this collectible replica of the Aston Martin DB5, as featured in the classic James Bond™ Goldfinger movie.
- This set includes over 1,290 pieces and is suitable for ages 16+.
- New-for-August-2018 special elements include a drum-lacquered macaroni connector, 2x4 tile and 1M beam, plus a printed 1x2 tile with grille pattern.
- Measures over 3” (10cm) high, 13” (34cm) long and 4” (12cm) wide.
詹姆斯邦德 阿斯顿马丁 DB5 跑车(James Bond Aston Martin DB5)属于车模系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1290 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10262 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、王牌KING、狮子王 LION KING、无标、无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。