玩乐这款经典的乐高® Creator 3 合 1 31094 竞速飞机,体验复古式飞行冒险,本款套装拥有采用蓝、白、黄和红四色配色方案的炫酷赛车贴纸,可看到的带管道和气缸的精致引擎,以及固定的起落架、大型螺旋桨、运动型的铰接式机翼和可调式升降舵!这款令人印象深刻的玩具飞机还好包含一个可打开的驾驶舱和一个身穿印制飞行服和头盔的飞行员小人仔。通过这款乐高 Creator 3 合 1 套装,你可以获得 3 份不同的拼搭和玩乐体验。拼搭这款螺旋桨飞机玩具,然后将其重新拼搭为一架玩具直升机或玩具喷气式飞机,以体验更多的空中行动和冒险。
- 玩乐这款乐高® Creator 3 合 1 套装,可美美地享受 3 次拼搭机会。拼搭这款竞速飞机,然后将其重新拼搭为一架强大的直升机,或者一架快速的喷气式飞机,其配有可旋转的推进器,进行更多的空中行动。
- 这款竞速飞机拥有可看到的带管道和气缸的引擎,以及固定的起落架、可旋转的大型螺旋桨、铰接式机翼、可打开的驾驶舱和可调式升降舵,还有插有 2 面旗子的比赛标识塔!
- 欣赏这款竞速飞机超酷的采用蓝、白、黄和红四色配色方案的赛车贴纸。
- 包含一个身着印制飞行服和头盔的飞行员。
- 打开这款飞机的有色顶篷,进入驾驶舱,调整 升降舵并旋转螺旋桨!
- 升入高空,然后俯冲下来,从比赛标识塔之间飞速穿过!
- 竞速飞机尺寸:高 10 厘米(3 英寸)、长 23 厘米(9 英寸)和宽 26 厘米(10 英寸)。
- 直升机尺寸:高 11 厘米(4 英寸)、长 19 厘米(7 英寸)和宽 8 厘米(3 英寸)。
- 喷气式飞机尺寸:高 10 厘米(3 英寸)、长 22 厘米(8 英寸)和宽 24 厘米(9 英寸)。
Build and rebuild an awesome Race Plane, Helicopter or Jet with this LEGO® Creator 3in1 set!
Enjoy vintage flying adventures with the classically designed LEGO® Creator 3in1 31094 Race Plane, featuring a blue, white, yellow and red color scheme with cool racing stickers, visible detailed engine with pipes and cylinders, fixed landing gear, large aircraft propeller, sporty hinged wings and adjustable tail elevators. This impressive toy airplane also features an opening cockpit and comes with a pilot minifigure, complete with a printed flight suit and a helmet. With LEGO Creator 3in1 sets you get 3 different build and play experiences. Build this propeller plane toy and then rebuild it to create a toy helicopter or a toy jet for more aerial action and adventure.
- Enjoy 3 building opportunities with this LEGO® Creator 3in1 set. Build the Race Plane and then rebuild for more aerial action with a powerful Helicopter or a fast Jet with rotating thrusters.
- The Race Plane features a visible engine with pipes and cylinders, fixed landing gear, large spinnable aircraft propeller, hinged wings, opening cockpit and adjustable tail elevators, plus 2 race pylons with flags.
- Check out the Race Plane's awesome blue, white, yellow and red color scheme with cool racing stickers.
- Includes a pilot minifigure with printed flight suit and a helmet.
- Open the tinted canopy to access the aircraft cockpit, adjust the tail elevators and spin the propeller.
- Take to the sky, then swoop and zoom between the race pylons at high speed!
- Race Plane measures over 3” (10cm) high, 9” (23cm) long and 10” (26cm) wide.
- Helicopter measures over 4” (11cm) high, 7” (19cm) long and 3” (8cm) wide.
- Jet measures over 3” (10cm) high, 8” (22cm) long and 9” (24cm) wide.
竞技飞机(Race Plane)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 333 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31094 首发于2019年,之后被欣宏XINH等国产积木品牌所复刻。