2002年乐高LEGO复刻,编号为 6762 。
摘自 lego.wikia.com :
Fort LEGOREDO is a Western set released in 1996. It contains a fort, a horse drawn limber with a field gun, and three horses in total. The Fort's minifigures include a Cavalry Colonel, two Cavalry Lieutenants, three Cavalry Soldiers, three Bandits and a Cowboy.
The fort consists of four separate sections built onto their own Baseplates that could be rearranged. The front gate, a side wall, a side wall with a second gate and the back section with the office of the general.
The main gate has two watch towers on its sides. The wall section with second gate has a tower as well. The building at the back has a room with a fireplace and two armchairs on the first floor. Behind the fireplace is a money stash and both armchairs are built onto trapdoors. One leads into the jail cell on the ground floor and the other one leads to the room behind the back gate. Only one of the traps can be operated at a time per design.
This set includes six revolvers and ten rifles.
The gun can be detached from the limber.