玩乐这款乐高® DC 蝙蝠侠 76118 蝙蝠摩托车大战急冻人套装,孩子们可以扮作蝙蝠侠和罗宾,创造属于自己的惊心动魄的大冒险,并尽全力从急冻人手中拯救哥谭市!这款超级英雄玩具游戏套装既适于独享,也适于一起玩乐,其包含一辆蝙蝠摩托车,设有一个双小人仔驾驶舱、凸粒发射器和可拆下的武器,孩子们会喜欢上它的分体功能,将其分成两辆独立的摩托车。急冻人的雪地摩托车和带有冻结枪(非射击性)的背包可以为超级英雄与超级恶棍之间的对战增添不少乐趣。这款乐高蝙蝠侠玩具包含 3 个配有武器的乐高小人仔,以及 10 个不同的行动包 (Action Pack),用以定制模型、小人仔和武器。Instructions PLUS 可为乐高拼搭者们提供很棒的拼搭体验,其可从乐高生活应用程序(智能手机和平板电脑)中获取。这些易于使用的直观拼搭说明允许拼搭者们在特殊的 Ghost 模式下对自己的创作进行缩放、旋转和可视化操作。Instructions PLUS 也非常适于年幼的拼搭者们,可引导他们完成拼搭,同时令他们产生较强的独立感和成就感。
- 这款超级英雄玩具游戏套装包含 3 个乐高®小人仔:蝙蝠侠、罗宾和急冻人。
- 蝙蝠摩托车包含一个双小人仔驾驶舱,可容纳蝙蝠侠和罗宾,以及凸粒发射器、蝙蝠侠的蝙蝠镖和抓钩发射器、罗宾的宝剑、2 支非射击性的枪、2 个蝙蝠之翼,还具有分体功能,可分成两辆独立的摩托车。
- 可以从蝙蝠摩托车上拆下蝙蝠镖、抓钩发射器、宝剑和 2 把枪,放到小人仔手中,展开激动人心的行动!
- 还包含一辆可容纳急冻人的雪地摩托。
- 配件包括急冻人 2019 年 6 月新款的头盔和带有一把冻结枪(非射击性)的背包,以及 10 个不同的行动包 (Action Pack),用以定制模型、小人仔和武器。
- 这款乐高® DC 蝙蝠侠玩具游戏套装中的 3 个小人仔均为 2019 年 6 月新品。
- 这款超酷的儿童玩具可作为蝙蝠侠粉丝们最棒的超级英雄生日礼物。
- 可使用乐高®生活应用程序来访问这款蝙蝠侠游戏套装直观的 Instructions PLUS 拼搭说明。本说明可帮助甚至更年幼的拼搭者们完成拼搭,他们可通过易于使用的缩放、旋转和 Ghost 模式功能,将自己的创作可视化。
- 蝙蝠摩托车尺寸:高 5 厘米(1 英寸)、长 11 厘米(4 英寸)和宽 8 厘米(3 英寸)。
- 雪地摩托车尺寸:长 6 厘米(2 英寸)、宽 4 厘米(1 英寸)和高 2 厘米(1 英寸)。
Action-packed Batman™ toy playset for role-play battles against Mr. Freeze™!
Children can create their own thrilling adventures as Batman™ and Robin™ and bid to save GOTHAM CITY™ from Mr. Freeze™ in LEGO® DC Batman 76118 Mr. Freeze Batcycle Battle. Great for solo or social play, this super-hero toy playset features the Batcycle with a dual minifigure cockpit, stud shooter and detachable weapons, and kids will love the split function to divide the vehicle into 2 separate bikes. Mr. Freeze's snow scooter and backpack with attached freeze gun add to the super heroes vs. Super-Villain battle fun. This LEGO Batman toy includes 3 LEGO minifigures with weapons, plus 10 assorted Action Pack elements to customize builds, minifigures and weapons. Give any LEGO builder an amazing building experience with Instructions PLUS, available in the LEGO Life app for smartphones and tablets. The easy-to-use, intuitive building instructions let them zoom, rotate and visualize their creation using the special ghost mode as they go. Instructions PLUS is also great for younger builders, guiding them through the building process for a greater sense of independence and achievement.
- This super-hero toy playset includes 3 LEGO® minifigures: Batman™, Robin™ and Mr. Freeze™.
- Batcycle features a dual minifigure cockpit for Batman™ and Robin™, a stud shooter, Batman’s Batarang and grappling hook shooter, Robin’s sword, 2 non-shooting guns, 2 batwings and a split function to divide the vehicle into 2 separate bikes.
- The Batarang, grappling hook shooter, sword and 2 guns can be detached from the Batcycle and held by minifigures for battle action.
- Also includes a snow scooter with space for the Mr. Freeze™ minifigure.
- Accessory elements include Mr. Freeze’s new-for-June-2019 helmet and backpack with an attached, non-shooting freeze gun, plus 10 assorted Action Pack elements to customize builds, minifigures and weapons.
- All 3 minifigures in this LEGO® DC Batman™ toy playset are new for June 2019.
- This cool kids' toy makes the best super-hero birthday gift for Batman™ fans.
- Use the LEGO® Life app to access the intuitive Instructions PLUS building instructions for this Batman™ playset. Help even younger builders through the building process, with easy-to-use zoom, rotate and ghost-mode functions to visualize their creations as they go.
- Batcycle measures over 1” (5cm) high, 4” (11cm) long and 3” (8cm) wide.
- Snow scooter measures over 2” (6cm) long, 1” (4cm) wide and under 1” (2cm) high.
蝙蝠侠大战急冻人(Mr. Freeze Batcycle Battle)属于DC系列积木套组,整个套组包含 200 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76118 首发于2019年,之后被乐翼LARI等国产积木品牌所复刻。