加入土之精灵法兰和风之精灵艾拉的行列,和她们一起发现动物们做交易的神秘集 市!与土之龙索恩见面,喂它点南瓜吃。拜访邮局的猫头鹰邮政官奥利弗,看铁匠 弗莱米 如何工作。与艾拉一起逛图书馆,帮助法兰使用土魔法找到《龙之书》的 藏匿之处!
Find the Secret Market Place with its enchanting residents!
Join Farran Leafshade the earth elf, and Aira Windwhistler the wind elf, as they find the Secret Market Place, run entirely by animals! Meet Thorne the earth dragon and feed him pumpkins. Visit Owlyver the post owl at the post office and watch Flamy the goldsmith at work. Search through the library with Aira then help Farran use his magic earth powers to reveal the Book of Dragons’ hiding place!
- Includes Farran Leafshade and Aira Windwhistler mini-dolls, plus Flamy, Owlyver and Thorne the earth dragon.
- The Secret Market Place features 2 levels with stairs, a lever for activating the hammer in the goldsmith, opening drawer and a turning function to move the tree and reveal the sacred Book of Dragons.
- Includes Thorne the earth dragon, with space for a storage box and a mini-doll on his back.
- Travel with Farran and Aira to the Secret Market Place.
- Visit the post office and goldsmith.
- Search for the sacred Book of Dragons.
- Hop on Thorne’s back with Farran and go for a ride.
- Accessory elements include letters, treasure map, packages, pumpkins, sword, shield, lock, key, quill and ink.
- Thorne the earth dragon stands over 3” (8cm) high and 7” (18cm) long, with a wingspan of over 9” (23cm) wide.
- Secret Market Place measures over 7” (18cm) high, 11” (28cm) wide and 3” (10cm) deep.
精灵:神秘集市(The Secret Market Place)属于精灵系列积木套组,整个套组包含 691 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41176 首发于2016年,之后被乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。