- 喜爱工程车辆玩具套装的孩子会从这款乐高®机械组混凝土搅拌运输车 (42112) 中发现许多很酷的功能。这款模型带有可以旋转的搅拌罐,其外观和动作看起来就像真的一样。
- 这款套装包含 1163 块积木颗粒,孩子们可以首先体验具有挑战性的拼搭,然后探索这款混凝土搅拌运输车的所有功能,其中包含 100 块 1x1乐高积木颗粒,可用作混凝土。
- 既可以手动转动搅拌罐,搅拌水泥,也可以将其设置为自动模式,在运输车行驶过程中观察搅拌罐转动。逆时针转动搅拌罐可以卸料,还可以使用漏斗引导混凝土。
- 喜爱混凝土搅拌运输车玩具的孩子在探索这款模型所有功能的过程中会获得许多欢乐。这款玩具可作为 10 岁以上孩子的很棒生日或节日礼物。
- 这款混凝土搅拌运输车玩具尺寸为:长 42 厘米(16 英寸)、高 19 厘米(7 英寸)和宽 12 厘米(4 英寸),非常适合创意玩乐。
- 这款拼搭玩具无需电池,所以玩乐可以立即开始,且永不减速。
- 这款混凝土搅拌运输车乐高®机械组儿童拼搭套装附有印制版说明。
- 借助乐高®机械组模型组合可以很好地向孩子介绍工程。乐高机械组拥有出色的设计和逼真的功能,能够带来充满逼真功能的高级拼搭组合。
- 乐高®机械组套装均符合最高行业标准,以确保每套儿童拼搭套装每次都能轻松拼接。
- 乐高®机械组套装均经过全面的测试,以确保每件套装都符合全球最高安全和质量标准。
Bring the world of construction to life for kids who love to see how things work. Youngsters with a passion for vehicles will enjoy building this LEGO® Technic™ Concrete Mixer Truck (42112). With 8 robust wheels, a moving motor, opening driver’s cab and large mixing drum, it looks just like the real thing. Kids can turn the drum manually or set it to automatic to see it turn as they push the truck. When they turn the drum counterclockwise, they'll see the concrete unload.
Creative play at the toy construction site
Imaginative role play is easy with this construction toy building set. The truck comes with 100 1x1 LEGO bricks to use as the concrete. Kids can turn the bricks in the blender then use the handle to control the funnel and pour the concrete into position.
Advanced building kits for kids
LEGO Technic model building kits are ideal for LEGO fans ready for a new challenge. These vehicles look and move like the real thing, so kids will love playing with their creations.
- Kids who love construction vehicle playsets will discover lots of cool functions in this LEGO® Technic™ Concrete Mixer Truck (42112). With a rotating mixer drum, this model looks and moves just like the real thing.
- With 1,163 pieces, kids will enjoy a challenging build before exploring all the features of the concrete mixer truck, including 100 1x1 LEGO® system bricks to use as the concrete.
- Turn the drum manually to mix the concrete or set it to automatic and see the mixer rotate as the truck drives along. Turn the drum counterclockwise to unload the concrete, using the funnel to guide it.
- Kids who love concrete truck toys will have lots of fun exploring all the features of this concrete mixer truck construction model kit. It makes a great birthday present or holiday gift for kids aged 10 and up.
- The concrete truck toy measures over 16” (42cm) long, 7” (19cm) high and 4” (12cm) wide, making it ideal for creative play.
- No batteries are required for this construction toy so the fun starts right away and never slows down.
- Printed instructions are included for this concrete truck toy LEGO® Technic™ building set for kids.
- LEGO® Technic™ model kits give kids a great introduction to engineering. With awesome designs and realistic functions, LEGO Technic offers advanced building kits packed with realistic features.
- LEGO® Technic™ sets meet the highest industry standards, which ensures each of these building sets for kids connects easily every time.
- LEGO® Technic™ sets are thoroughly tested to make sure each one meets the highest global safety and quality standards.
混凝土搅拌运输车(Concrete Mixer Truck)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1163 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42112 首发于2020年。