热衷于角色扮演的孩子一定会喜欢上这款乐高®城市组精英警察灯塔大追捕 (60274) 玩具套装,其包含玩具灯塔、警用侦察直升机和临时木筏。再加上乐高电视角色 Rooky Partnur 和 Vito,以及一条敏捷的鲨鱼,为孩子们进行动作丰富的冒险做好了一切准备!
可从包装盒中找到这款乐高城市组拼搭玩具的拼搭说明。或者上网为智能手机和平板电脑下载 Instructions PLUS,其包含在免费的乐高拼搭说明应用程序中。这款交互式拼搭指南带有超棒的缩放和旋转查看工具,可以帮助初露头角的乐高拼搭者快速成为拼搭大师!
- 玩乐这款乐高®城市组精英警察 (60274) 套装,5 岁及以上的孩子可以进行开放、富有想象力且与现实生活密切相关的角色扮演。有助于孩子很好地了解激动人心的乐高城市世界。
- 本套装包含功能丰富的灯塔,玩具直升机和临时木筏,为孩子们使用乐高®城市冒险电视剧角色 Rooky Partnur 和 Vito 及敏捷的鲨鱼进行有趣的冒险准备好了一切。
- 孩子们可将这款套装中的角色和模型与其它乐高®玩具套装组合,形成自己独特的作品,以进行玩乐或展示。
- 正在为 5 岁以上的孩子寻找炫酷的玩具?对于乐高®城市组粉丝及喜爱动作角色扮演的男孩和女孩,这款套装可作为一份很棒的圣诞节、生日或其它任何日子的礼物。只需要非常基本的拼搭技能。
- 拼搭完成后,灯塔尺寸为:高 14 厘米(5 英寸)、宽 9 厘米(3 英寸)和深 4 厘米(1 英寸),Rooky Partnur 的直升机尺寸为:高 9 厘米(3 英寸)、长 21 厘米(8 英寸)和宽 16 厘米(6 英寸)。
- 这款套装是否需要电池?不需要,这款乐高®拼搭玩具由富有想象力的孩子提供动力——只需打开积木袋,即可开始进行拼搭和玩乐。
- 这款拼搭套装包含简易的印刷版拼搭指南和 Instructions PLUS,后者是一种交互式拼搭指南,非常适合刚入门的拼搭者。Instructions PLUS 属于适用于智能设备的免费乐高®拼搭说明应用程序的一部分。
- 充分体验乐高®城市组精英警察套装所带来的乐趣和激动,其包含场景、交通工具和角色,能够启发开放式创意游戏,同时帮助孩子培养身体技能和信心。
- 所有乐高®城市组拼搭套装都符合最高的行业标准和质量标准,以确保所有乐高积木和组件均一致、兼容,且每次都可以轻松拼接和拆解。
- 我们对乐高®积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保每个孩子的拼搭套装都符合全球最高安全和质量标准。
Kids with a passion for role play will love this LEGO® City Elite Police Lighthouse Capture (60274) playset, featuring a toy lighthouse, police reconnaissance helicopter and makeshift raft. And with LEGO TV characters Rooky Partnur and Vito, plus a snappy shark, the scene is set for action-packed adventures!
Cool toy for kids
You'll find building instructions for this LEGO City building toy in the box. Or you can hop online and download Instructions PLUS, part of the free LEGO Building Instructions app for smartphones and tablets. This interactive building guide, with amazing zoom and rotate viewing tools, quickly turns budding LEGO builders into master builders!
Realistic role-play adventures
LEGO City Elite Police sets deliver an exciting build and play experience with cool toy vehicles and fun characters that depict real life in a fun and imaginative way.
- Kids aged 5 and up get to enjoy open-ended, imaginative role play based on real-life scenarios with this LEGO® City Elite police (60274) set. An ideal introduction to the exciting world of the LEGO City.
- A feature-rich lighthouse, toy helicopter and makeshift raft set the scene for fun and adventure with LEGO® City Adventures TV series characters Rooky Partnur and Vito, plus a snappy shark.
- Kids can combine the characters and models in this set with other LEGO® toy playsets to form their own unique creations for play or display.
- Looking for cool toys for kids aged 5+? This set makes a great Christmas, birthday or any-other-day present for LEGO® City fans and boys and girls who love action-packed role play. Requires only very basic building skills.
- When built, the lighthouse measures over 5” (14cm) high, 3” (9cm) wide and 1” (4cm) deep, while Rooky Partnur's helicopter measures over 3" (9cm) high, 8" (21cm) long and 6" (16cm) wide.
- Does it need batteries? No, this LEGO® construction toy is powered by small kids with big imaginations – simply tear open the brick bags and the build and play fun can start right away!
- This building set comes with an easy-to-follow printed building guide and Instructions PLUS – an interactive building guide for budding builders. Part of the free LEGO® Building Instructions app for smart devices.
- Unleash the fun and excitement of LEGO® City Elite Police sets with settings, vehicles and characters that inspire open-ended creative play while helping youngsters develop physical skills and confidence.
- All LEGO® City building sets meet the highest industry standards and quality criteria to ensure that all LEGO bricks and pieces are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart easily every time.
- LEGO® bricks and pieces are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure every kid's building set meets the highest global safety and quality standards.
精英警察灯塔大追捕(Elite Police Lighthouse Capture)属于城市系列积木套组,整个套组包含 189 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60274 首发于2020年,之后被乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。