帮助警察将坏蛋关在乐高® 城市监狱岛!提防坏蛋在监狱的院子里活动时越狱,打 开监狱门看看坏蛋们如何制定越狱计划。你和警察都必须高度警惕,不要让坏蛋经 过下水道,乘坐小船逃走!跳上直升机,阻止他们乘坐热气球从空中越狱。为了从监狱岛逃脱,他们会做任何事情!
Where the Police keep the Crooks—Prison Island!
Help the police lock up the bad guys on LEGO® City Prison Island! Watch the crooks work out in the prison yard and open up the prison to see the crooks make their escape plans. You and the police have to be on high alert to catch the crooks sliding through the sewer to catch the getaway boat! Jump in the helicopter and stop them from making an aerial escape in the hot air balloon. They’ll do anything to escape from Prison Island!
- Includes 8 minifigures: a male police officer, female police officer, police chief, police pilot, 3 male crooks and a female crook, plus a shark.
- Features a prison, helicopter, police boat, crooks’ boat and a hot air balloon.
- Prison features a 2-level structure with helipad, guard tower and jail yard, security cameras and searchlights, jail cell, dock and sewer escape routes with breakout functions.
- Helicopter features spinning rotors and an opening cockpit with space for a minifigure.
- Lift some weights with the crooks in the prison yard.
- Stage a hot-air-balloon or boat getaway and then help the police round them up.
- Accessory elements include binoculars, 2 walkie-talkies, backpack, 2 banknotes, crowbar, 2 flashlights, 2 handcuffs, weight bar, coffee machine and 2 mugs.
- Prison Island (including helipad) measures over 12” (32cm) high, 13” (34cm) wide and 10” (27cm) deep.
- Police boat measures over 1” (6cm) high, 3” (18cm) long and 3” (7cm) wide.
- Helicopter measures ov er 2” (7cm) high, 5” (15cm) long and 1” (4cm) wide.
- Crooks’ boat measures over 3” (9cm) long, 1” (5cm) wide and under 1” (2cm) high.
- Hot air balloon measures over 7” (17cm) high, 3” (8cm) long and 3” (8cm) wide.
监狱岛逃脱(Prison Island)属于城市系列积木套组,整个套组包含 754 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60130 首发于2016年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、后牌QUEEN、伯乐星BLX、狮子王 LION KING等国产积木品牌所复刻。