驾驶豪华轿车,载着大歌星丽薇出门兜风。在迷你吧给自己拿杯饮料,悠闲地看看电视。把镜头对准红地毯上摆好造型的丽薇,然后带她前去采访间,和斯蒂芬妮聊聊最近的演出心得。套装包括 2 个迷你玩偶人物:大歌星丽薇和奥莉薇亚。
Travel in pop star style with Livi’s amazing Limo!
Stretch out with Livi the pop star in her luxurious Limo. Help yourself to a drink from the mini bar while you watch TV. Look on as Livi poses for the camera on the red carpet before she meets Olivia at the interview booth to talk about her latest show. Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Livi the pop star and Olivia.
- Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Livi the pop star and Olivia
- Features a Limo, red carpet tile with barriers and an interview booth
- Limo features a mini bar and TV elements as well as opening doors and trunk
- Accessory elements include a professional camera, microphone, CD, 2 glasses, fruit bowl, cherries, sunglasses, hair decoration, show announcement board and a bag
- Enjoy travelling in luxury with Livi and Olivia
- Pose for photos on the red carpet with Livi
- Interview Livi abouther latest album
- Put Livi’s bag in the trunk and head off to her next glamorous destination
- Pop Star Limo measures over 1” (4cm) high, 6” (17cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide
- Interview booth measures over 3” (8cm) high, 3” (9cm) wide and 1” (4cm) deep
大歌星的豪华轿车(Pop Star Limousine)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 265 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41107 首发于2015年,之后被加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。