打灯...摄像...准备!大歌星丽薇正在为下一张热门单曲录制音乐视频。帮助她编 排炫目的舞步,然后打开摄像机,移动幕布,切换亮丽布景。晚上返回录音棚,摆 好新的场景,看丽薇如何在星光璀璨的颁奖典礼上倾情演出——她能赢得最佳艺人 奖并致辞吗?
Film the new music video for pop star Livi!
Lights… camera… action! Livi is on set shooting the music video for her next big single. Help her polish off her moves, then work the camera and move the slider for an amazing background change. Head back to the studio later that evening where there’s a new set and Livi is performing at a glitzy awards ceremony—but will she win the award for Best Artist and give a speech?
- Includes a Livi mini-doll figure.
- Features a TV Studio with steps up to the reversible set featuring an awards ceremony on one side and a music video set with changing background function on the other.
- Includes a buildable film camera, adjustable spotlights, speakers and a monitor.
- Accessory elements include a microphone, clapper board, 2 water jets and an award.
- Slide a different background across and choose the props to change the set for the music video.
- Turn the set around to host an awards ceremony where Livi is nominated.
- This set offers an age-appropriate building experience for ages 6 -12.
- This set includes 194 bricks.
- TV Studio measures over 5” (14cm) high, 5” (13cm) wide and 5” (13cm) deep.
大歌星的电视工作室(Pop Star TV Studio)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 194 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41117 首发于2016年,之后被加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。