- 该玩具包括两个迷你人偶人物米娅和丹尼尔,还有兔子咪咪和小鸟辛纳蒙。
- 该玩具拥有一个可通过梯子或攀登网攀上的树屋、顶部可打开且放有储藏箱的阁楼、带有储藏箱和兔舍的树干。
- 配件包括一个滑板、水枪、手电筒、鬼故事书、花砖、比萨饼、印有“我爱心湖城”字样的杯子、棋盘游戏、心湖城公园地图、回飞镖、写有情书字样的瓷片、球、鸟巢、鸡蛋和一根胡萝卜。
- 可快速溜下滑索,然后借助攀登网回到树屋。
- 可为米娅的朋友们准备一些鬼故事,并辅以手电筒、棋盘游戏和比萨饼,营造一个令人兴奋但不免心惊肉跳的夜晚,然后打开阁楼上盛放丹尼尔物品的箱子,一探究竟!
- 可乘滑板在心湖城公园里溜一圈,或在树屋外面玩那些运动器材。
- 可帮助动物爱好者米娅在房子里照顾她的宠物兔子,协助可爱的小鸟在树上筑巢。
- 适于6至12岁的儿童。
- 树屋尺寸:高超过6英寸(16厘米)、宽 6英寸(17厘米)和深 6英寸(16厘米)。
- 兔舍尺寸:高超过1英寸(3厘米)、宽1英寸(4厘米)和深1英寸(3厘米)。
Climb up to the tree house and help Mia settle in!
Help Mia turn her brother’s tree house into the perfect park hangout spot for all her friends. Pack Daniel’s belongings into a box in the roof before he leaves for college, and help Mia decorate by putting up pictures of her friends and family. Scramble up the net to the second floor and use the water gun to keep out any unwanted visitors! Then slide down the zip wire to visit Mia's bunny Mimì in her little house and give her a carrot.
- Includes Mia and Daniel mini-doll figures, plus Mimì the bunny and Cinnamon the bird figures.
- Features a tree house accessed by ladder or scramble net, attic with opening roof and storage box, tree trunk with storage box and a bunny house.
- Accessory elements include a skateboard, water gun, torch, ghost stories book, artwork tiles, pizza, ‘I love Heartlake City' mug, board game, map of Heartlake City Park, boomerang, love letter tile, ball, bird nest, egg and a carrot.
- Whizz down the zip wire and then scramble back up the net to the tree house.
- Prepare an exciting night in for Mia’s friends with ghost stories by torchlight, board games and pizza, then discover Daniel’s box of belongings in the attic!
- Take the skateboard for a spin in Heartlake City Park, or have fun outside the tree house with the sports equipment with this great construction toy.
- Help animal-lover Mia look after her pet bunny in her house and the cute little bird nesting in the tree.
- Suitable for ages 6-12.
- Tree house measures over 6” (16cm) high, 6” (17cm) wide and 6” (16cm) deep.
- Bunny house measures over 1” (3cm) high, 1” (4cm) wide and 1” (3cm) deep.
米娅的树屋(Mia's Tree House)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 351 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41335 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、国酷PRCK、达高、杰高JIEGO等国产积木品牌所复刻。