Replicate an icon of art deco design- the world famous Rockefeller Center!
Rockefeller Center, located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, New York City, represents the largest private building project ever undertaken in modern times. Developed and financed by the Rockefeller family in the 1930s, this 19-building complex is an example of Art Deco and is famous for the many works of art integrated into its design. This LEGO® Architecture series interpretation of Rockefeller Center was designed by architectural artist Adam Reed Tucker.
- Rockefeller Center measures 5" (138mm)
- Collect the whole series: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum, the Space Needle in Seattle, the Sears Tower and John Hancock Center in Chicago, New York’s Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center, and The White House in Washington D.C.
- Includes information booklet with details on design and detailed history of landmark (English language only)
- Architectural replica of the real-world Rockefeller Center
- LEGO® Architecture inspires future architects, engineers and designers as well as architecture fans around the world using the LEGO brick as a medium for reproducing esteemed structures
地标建筑:洛克菲勒中心(Architecture:Rockefeller Center)属于建筑系列积木套组,整个套组包含 240 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21007 首发于2011年。