用乐高®积木拼砌蜚声全球的标志性宏伟建筑。坐落在华盛顿特区的美国国会大厦占地逾 150 万平方英尺,内设 600 多间厅室,走廊长达数英里,恢弘大气,是对新古典主义建筑风格的完美诠释。1793 年 9 月 18 日,这栋建筑由乔治·华盛顿总统亲自奠基,此后历经多次修建,才成为了我们今天看到的规模。本款细致入微的乐高®建筑系列模型巧妙体现了美国国会大厦的气势,再现洁白墙面、挺拔立柱、巨大的台阶和广阔的草坪;移开穹顶就能窥见富丽堂皇的内部,装点着著名的国家雕塑大厅,林立廊柱和塑像,地砖光洁照人。
Explore the architecture of the United States Capitol Building!
Discover the architectural secrets of the iconic United States Capitol Building with this amazing LEGO® Architecture interpretation that focuses on the structure's neoclassical style facade, steps and lawns, finished with a decorative “U.S. Capitol” nameplate. Remove the dome to access the rotunda interior depicting the National Statuary Hall, with columns, 8 statues and tiled floor. This model has been designed to deliver an interesting and rewarding building experience and is suitable for display in the home and office. It has been developed for all with an interest in travel, architectural culture, history and design. The scale of this model matches the LEGO Architecture 21022 Lincoln Memorial.