乐高®我的世界马厩 (21171) 将热门在线游戏的乐趣和冒险与乐高积木无穷的创造力和照顾马儿的喜悦组合在一起。
- 孩子在重新排列和拼搭乐高®我的世界马厩 (21171) 的过程中,会发现可以使用熟悉的《我的世界》角色进行各式各样的玩乐。
- 喜爱《我的世界》在线游戏的孩子会一眼认出游戏中的马儿、马厩建筑及逼真的我的世界配件,可以启发许多有趣的动手游戏。
- 玩乐这款内容丰富的玩具套装,孩子们可以进行丰富多彩的角色扮演。可以喂养和照料马儿,为它们搭建障碍训练场,供它们跳跃,还可以与骷髅骑士进行战斗!
- 这款热门在线游戏的动手再现版会为 8 岁及以上的《我的世界》玩家和马儿爱好者带来许多快乐。
- 这款可重新配置的套装尺寸为:高 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)、宽 14 厘米(5.5 英寸)、深 14 厘米(5.5 英寸),非常适合玩乐、展示,以及与其它乐高®我的世界套装组合。
- 色彩多样的马厩及周围场景由我的世界配件补充和装饰,如干草捆、金色的胡萝卜和钻石马铠。
- 乐高®我的世界玩具套装为《我的世界》玩家玩自己喜爱的游戏提供了一种全新方式,其通过一系列乐高积木和组件很有创意地将游戏中的角色、场景和功能带入现实生活。
- 乐高®拼搭组合符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拼接和拆解——自 1958 年以来一直如此。
- 我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准。
Horse care and skeleton scares for Minecraft" players
LEGO® Minecraft™ The Horse Stable (21171) combines all the fun and adventure of the popular online game with the endless creative possibilities of LEGO bricks and the joy of caring for horses.
Creative play at the Minecraft toy stableKids who like to create, customize and let their imagination run free will love this versatile LEGO Minecraft set. The stable has opening doors and is filled with authentic Minecraft details, such as the golden carrot and diamond armor. There are horses to feed and care for, an obstacle course to design and a skeleton horseman to battle! This hands-on, reconfigurable, build-and-play set is an ideal gift for kids – Minecraft players and horse lovers alike.
- As kids rearrange and rebuild LEGO® Minecraft™ The Horse Stable (21171), they’ll discover endless play possibilities to enjoy with the familiar Minecraft characters.
- Kids who love Minecraft™ will recognize the online game’s horse mobs, stable building and authentic Minecraft accessories that inspire much of the hands-on play.
- There’s a wide variety of role play to enjoy with this versatile playset. Kids can feed and care for the horses, build an obstacle course for them to jump over, and battle a skeleton horseman!
- This hands-on recreation of the popular online game will delight Minecraft™ players and horse lovers alike, aged 8 and up.
- Measuring over 3.5 in. (9 cm) high, 5.5 in. (14 cm) wide and 5.5 in. (14 cm) deep, this reconfigurable set is perfect for playing, displaying and combining with other LEGO® Minecraft™ sets.
- The colorful horse stable structure and surroundings are supplemented with Minecraft™ accessories, such as the hay bales, golden carrot and diamond horse armor.
- LEGO® Minecraft™ playsets give Minecraft players a new way to enjoy their favorite game, with characters, scenes and features brought to life by an imaginative mix of LEGO bricks and pieces.
- LEGO® building kits meet rigorous industry quality standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart perfectly every time – it’s been that way since 1958.
- LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet stringent global safety standards.
马厩(The Horse Stable)属于我的世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 241 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21171 首发于2021年,之后被坦克等国产积木品牌所复刻。