乐高®漫威无限手套 (76191) 是一个具有挑战性的拼搭项目,能够以一件引人注目的展示品犒赏拼搭者。此模型很好地捕捉了漫威引人入胜的展现风格。
- 这款令人惊叹的拼搭和展示一体式乐高®漫威无限手套 (76191) 捕捉了漫威影业电影《复仇者联盟:无限战争》和《复仇者联盟:终局之战》中引人入胜的展现风格。
- 这款逼真的金色套装使用乐高®积木重现了标志性的无限手套,其包含色彩绚丽的无限宝石和带信息牌的坚固展示台。
- 这款模型包含 590 块积木颗粒,允许漫威成人粉丝沉浸于创意拼搭,重现漫画书中最广为人知、最具毁坏性的武器之一。
- 这款引人注目的拼搭和玩乐一体式模型非常适合作为模型爱好者或漫威世界成人粉丝的生日礼物、圣诞节礼物或个人奖励。
- 这款极具吸引力的模型的尺寸为:高 31 厘米(12.5 英寸)、宽 13 厘米(5 英寸)、深 11 厘米(4 英寸),无论将其摆放在家中还是工作场所,都可以带来许多有趣的谈资。
- 这件武器拥有经久不衰的魅力,这款复刻版模型也同样令人印象深刻,能够带来令人满足的拼搭体验和经典的展示品,其一定会成为关注的焦点,令人赞叹不已。
- 本套装附有易于遵循的高品质说明,这意味着,只需打开箱子即可体验引人入胜的拼搭项目。
- 本系列乐高®套装专为成人设计,旨在为模型爱好者提供称心满意、引人入胜的拼搭和玩乐体验。
- 乐高®拼搭组合符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拼接和拆解——自 1958 年以来一直如此。
- 我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准。
Infinity Gauntlet with Infinity Stones, to build and display
LEGO® Marvel Infinity Gauntlet (76191) is a challenging construction project that rewards the builder with an impressive display piece that perfectly evokes Marvel’s captivating style.
Collectible Marvel movie modelThis LEGO brick recreation of the iconic Infinity Gauntlet featured in the Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame movies is certain to attract attention and interest wherever it is displayed. With movable fingers, vibrantly coloured Infinity Stones and a descriptive tablet attached to a sturdy base, this golden gauntlet provides an engrossing construction challenge and a finished model that will captivate all who see it.
LEGO brick model-making kitsEscape the busy world and immerse yourself in the relaxing pleasure of adult LEGO building sets, perfect for anyone with an interest in creative construction or comic-book culture.
- The stunning, build-and-display LEGO® Marvel Infinity Gauntlet (76191) captures forever the captivating style of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame movies.
- This authentic, golden LEGO® brick recreation of the iconic Infinity Gauntlet includes colourful Infinity Stones and a sturdy stand featuring a descriptive tablet.
- This 590-piece model gives adult Marvel fans the opportunity to immerse themselves in creative construction and recreate one of comic-book culture’s most recognizable, and most devastating, weapons.
- This stand-out, build-and-display piece makes a great birthday gift, Christmas present or personal treat for any model-making enthusiast or adult fan of the Marvel Universe.
- Measuring over 12.5 in. (31 cm) high, 5 in. (13 cm) wide and 4 in. (11 cm) deep, this fascinating model provides an attractive conversation piece, whether displayed in your home or workplace.
- This impressive homage to Marvel’s enduring appeal offers a satisfying building experience resulting in a timeless display piece that is sure to be the centre of attention and draw admiring comments.
- The high-quality, easy-to-follow instructions mean you can embark on this fascinating construction project as soon as you open the box.
- The range of LEGO® sets created with adults in mind are designed to deliver a satisfying build-and-display experience that will captivate any model-making enthusiast.
- LEGO® building kits meet rigorous industry quality standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart perfectly every time – it’s been that way since 1958.
- LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analysed to make sure they meet stringent global safety standards.
无限手套(Infinity Gauntlet)属于复仇者联盟系列积木套组,整个套组包含 590 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76191 首发于2021年,之后被智蒙ZIMO、无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。