乐高®得宝®小镇全家野营车大冒险 (10946) 玩具能够为父母和孩子带来丰富的亲子活动和学习机会。
带上宝宝一起去森林里野营,体验丰富多彩的家庭活动。把 3 个友好的人偶放入野营车,汽车的上半部分可以拆下,以便于进入。设备都堆放在车顶,在汽车小心翼翼地开往宿营地的过程中,能够带来许多乐趣。织物帐篷非常容易搭建。设备中包含一艘皮划艇,可用于河中探险,还有一堆篝火,可用于煮茶,让一家人围坐在一起,在吉他的伴奏下唱歌。千万别忘了用相机捕捉一家人野营的美好时刻!
- 乐高®得宝®小镇全家野营车大冒险 (10946) 玩具套装色彩绚丽、趣味十足,能够为父母和孩子带来有趣的亲子活动和学习机会。
- 包含 4 个得宝®人偶:成年男子、成年女子、小女孩和小男孩;一辆野营车,带有可以旋转的轮子和可拆下的车顶;以及织物帐篷、皮划艇和有趣的配件。
- 孩子们在进行全家野营探险的过程中,可以培养精细动作技能,体验温馨、高品质的家庭时光。
- 这款活动丰富的玩具套装能够启发 2 岁及以上的孩子边玩边学,允许父母分享他们的珍贵成长历程。
- 本玩具套装尺寸为:高 14 厘米、宽 7 厘米和深 9 厘米,可以不同的方式进行拼搭和摆放,还可与其它乐高®得宝®玩具组合。
- 拼搭说明包含有趣的图画故事,其中涉及本套装的一些积木颗粒,能够为创意拼搭和玩乐增添额外的乐趣。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装经过专门设计,拥有富有想象力的功能,以鼓励进行亲子共同参与的开放式玩乐。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保小手们能够轻松抓取、放置和拆解——自 1969 年以来一直如此!
- 我们对乐高®得宝®积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保它们都符合严格的儿童安全标准。
Fun-packed family-camping playset
The LEGO® DUPLO® Town Family Camping Van Adventure (10946) toy is filled with activities and learning opportunities for parents and toddlers to share.
Outdoor family fun to roleplayTake a camping trip into the forest with your toddler and share lots of fun family activities. 3 of the friendly figures fit inside the camper van, with its removable top half allowing easy access. The equipment stacks on the roof, providing lots of fun when the van is driven, carefully, to the campsite. The fabric tent is quick and easy to set up. There’s a canoe for river adventures and a campfire for making tea and sitting around for a family sing-along with the guitar. Don’t forget to capture the family camping memories with the camera!
Hands-on educational toys for toddlersLEGO DUPLO toys put open-ended fun, self-expression and joyful learning into preschoolers’ hands. With DUPLO playsets, parents and young children can share precious developmental milestones as they play together.
- LEGO® DUPLO® Town Family Camping Van Adventure (10946) is a colorful playset filled with fun family activities and learning opportunities for parents and toddlers to share.
- Includes 4 DUPLO® figures – a man, woman, girl and a boy – a camper van with spinning wheels and a removable roof, a fabric tent, canoe and fun accessories.
- As children play out imaginative camping adventures, they develop fine motor skills and learn about the value of quality time with the family.
- This activity-packed playset provides endless playful learning for kids aged 2 and up and a chance for parents to share precious developmental milestones with their preschooler.
- The playset measures over 5 in. (14 cm) high, 2 in. (7 cm) wide and 3 in. (9 cm) deep, although it can be arranged in different ways and combined with other LEGO® DUPLO® toys.
- Building instructions include a fun picture story involving elements of the set to add extra enjoyment to the creative construction and imaginative play.
- All LEGO® DUPLO® playsets are expertly designed with imaginative features to encourage open-ended developmental play that parents can share with their little ones.
- LEGO® DUPLO® playsets meet stringent industry quality standards to ensure they are easy for little fingers to pick up, place and pull apart – it’s been that way since 1969.
- LEGO® DUPLO® bricks and pieces are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet demanding child safety standards.
全家野营车大冒险(Family Camping Van Adventure)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 30 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10946 首发于2021年。