与乐高® 好朋友里的斯蒂芬尼和她的坐骑小马 Mocca 一起踏上充满趣味的旅程!帮助斯蒂芬尼为心爱的小马架好马车,再到果园里去摘一整篮的苹果。回来后在马厩中喂 Mocca 吃东西,为它打理毛发,不要忘了要向下梳理,还要在鬃毛上打个蝴蝶结,然后再去耙些干草。最后在它的背上放好马鞍,骑着它与朋友们一起绕着心湖城散散步,放松放松!
Plan a day of riding with friends!
Join Stephanie from LEGO® Friends and her horse Mocca for some fun journeys! Help Stephanie hitch her favorite horse to the carriage and then head to the orchard to fill the basket with fresh apples. Feed and groom Mocca in the stable once you're back and don't forget to brush her down well, put a bow in her mane and rake the hay. Then put the saddle on her back and set out on a relaxing ride around Heartlake City with friends!