拼装宏伟的吉若西斯之战™,分裂主义者武装正在向绝地骑士和他们的克隆武装发动进攻,配备乐高®星球大战™共同联盟坦克机器人™。帮助克隆骑兵™阻止机器人压倒性的轨道车轮和 2 枚轻型导弹!然后击退战斗机器人™和臭名昭著的奖金猎人詹果菲特。包括3个小人仔和分类武器:克隆骑兵、詹果菲特和战斗机器人。
Battle the LEGO® Star Wars™ Corporate Alliance Tank Droid™!
Build the great Battle of Geonosis™ where the Separatist forces are advancing on the Jedi Knights and their clone army with the LEGO® Star Wars™ Corporate Alliance Tank Droid™! Help the Clone Troopers™ to repel the Droid’s crushing track tire and 2 flick missiles! Then fend off the Battle Droid™ and infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett. Includes 3 minifigures with weapons: Clone Trooper, Jango Fett and a Battle Droid.