坏性的乐高®星球大战火雹机器人加入对吉若西斯上克隆军队的战斗。再现星球大战:第二集克隆人的进攻,这款具备高度机动性的机器人凭借巨大的车轮可以快速穿越各种地形加入战斗。这款身披铠甲的机器人还拥有巨大的旋转轮胎,配备可伸展的侧面桥塔、可调节炮和4个威力惊人的带弹簧发射器。套装包括 1 个配备武器的克隆军中尉小人仔和2个超级战斗机器人。
Call in mobile firepower with the amazing Hailfire Droid!
Roll into battle against the clone army on Geonosis with the devastating LEGO® Star Wars Hailfire Droid! As featured in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, this highly maneuverable Droid can speed across any terrain on its huge wheels to join the battle. As well as giant rotating wheels, this armored Droid features folding side pylons, an adjustable gun and 4 awesome spring-loaded shooters. Includes a Clone Trooper Lieutenant minifigure with a weapon and 2 Super Battle Droids.