这款乐高® DC 蝙蝠战车大追捕:蝙蝠侠大战小丑 (76264) 将精彩的超级英雄大冒险放到 4 岁及以上孩子的手中。
这款乐高 4+ 套装包含 2 个标志性的漫画书角色:蝙蝠侠和小丑,可以带领孩子们体验创意拼搭和玩乐的乐趣。系列配件包括小丑偷走的钱及蝙蝠侠的斗篷、头盔和蝙蝠飞镖,有助于促进创意角色扮演。随附的入门积木汽车底盘有助于孩子“独立”拼搭这辆蝙蝠战车。精美的图画故事可作为拼搭和玩乐指南。如想体验额外的数字乐趣,拼搭师们可以利用有趣直观的 LEGO Builder 应用程序缩放和旋转三维套装,跟踪进度。
4+ 系列套装是成人与孩子共享拼搭乐趣的很好途径,而无论他们是经验丰富的乐高粉丝,还是第一次接触乐高积木新手。
- 专为 4 岁及以上的孩子准备的蝙蝠侠行动——这款乐高® DC 蝙蝠战车大追捕:蝙蝠侠大战小丑 (76264) 旨在提高 4 岁及以上孩子的想象力、思维敏捷性和拼搭自信心
- 标志性角色——包含蝙蝠侠和小丑,以及一辆可以拼搭的蝙蝠战车,其配有大块的入门积木底盘,以便孩子们立即体验拼搭和玩乐的乐趣
- 超级英雄汽车大追捕——小丑偷走了一些钱,孩子们需要帮助蝙蝠侠驾驶蝙蝠战车,将这个超级反派绳之以法
- 适合 4 岁及以上孩子的礼物——这份生日、节日或任何日子的礼物专为培养年轻超级英雄的基本技能而设计
- 尺寸足以进行精彩刺激的冒险——蝙蝠战车尺寸为:高 6 厘米(2 英寸)、长 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)和宽 7 厘米(2.5 英寸)
- 启迪孩子的心灵——乐高® 4+ 系列套装可将孩子们带入一个广阔的世界,其中充满他们喜爱的影视角色和日常英雄
- 质量保证——乐高®组件符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拼搭和拆解
- 安全保证——我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准
Super Hero car chase for kids aged 4 and up featuring Batman", The Joker" and the Batmobile".
LEGO® DC Batmobile™ Pursuit: Batman™ vs. The Joker™ (76264) puts Super Hero adventures into the hands of kids aged 4 and over.
A great start for young superheroesThis LEGO 4+ set introduces youngsters to creative construction and endless imaginative fun with 2 of the most iconic comic-book characters: Batman and The Joker. Accessories, including The Joker’s stolen money and Batman’s cape, helmet and Batarang™, help inspire imaginative role play. A Starter Brick car chassis helps kids build the Batmobile ‘by myself’. A colourful picture-story serves as a build-and-play guide, and for added digital fun builders can zoom in, rotate sets in 3D and track their progress using the fun, intuitive LEGO Builder app.
Family fun4+ sets are the perfect way for adults to share the building fun with youngsters, whether they are a seasoned LEGO fan or are experiencing LEGO bricks for the first time.
- Batman™ action for ages 4 and over – LEGO® DC Batmobile™ Pursuit: Batman vs. The Joker™ (76264) is designed to boost the imagination, dexterity and building confidence of kids aged 4+
- Iconic characters – Includes Batman™ and The Joker™ and a buildable Batmobile™ with a large Starter Brick chassis so the build-and-play fun can start right away
- Super Hero car chase – The Joker™ has stolen some money and kids must help Batman™ bring the Super Villain to justice with a little help from the Batmobile™
- Gift for kids aged 4+ – This birthday, Christmas or any-day treat is designed specially to support and strengthen the essential developmental skills of your young superhero
- Big enough for epic adventures – The Batmobile™ measures over 6 cm (2 in.) high, 17 cm (6.5 in.) long and 7 cm (2.5 in.) wide
- Inspire young minds – LEGO® 4+ sets introduce children to a wide universe of film favourites, TV characters and everyday heroes
- Quality guaranteed – LEGO® components fulfil stringent industry quality standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart easily every time
- Safety assured – LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analysed to make sure they satisfy rigorous global safety standards
蝙蝠侠1989:蝙蝠战车大追捕:蝙蝠侠大战小丑(Batmobile Pursuit: Batman vs. The Joker)属于蝙蝠侠系列积木套组,整个套组包含 54 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76264 首发于2023年。