如果您正在为 4 岁及以上的孩子寻找蝙蝠侠礼物,那么这款乐高®蝙蝠洞玩具就是一款非常理想的超级英雄冒险玩具套装!这款蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女和小丑大战蝙蝠洞 (76272) 充满动手玩乐式创意活动,有助于增强学龄前儿童的自信心、专注力和解决问题能力。
这款超棒的玩具套装不仅仅是一款蝙蝠洞玩具套装,还包含 3 个小人仔——蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女和小丑,一架带有折叠式机翼的蝙蝠翼飞行器、一辆推动式汽车、圆盘发射器、监狱,以及许多有趣的配件,其中包括一只夜光蜘蛛。动手玩乐功能包括开关式弹射器和可以“爆破”的监狱门。本套装配有一块底盘入门积木,有助于孩子着手拼搭。直观的说明以彩色的图画故事指南形式提供。如想体验额外的数字乐趣,拼搭师们可以借助直观有趣的 LEGO Builder 应用程序,缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度。这款创意玩具可作为孩子和小超级英雄们的很棒乐高蝙蝠侠礼物。
- 专为孩子准备的蝙蝠洞冒险玩具——这款蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女和小丑大战蝙蝠洞充满玩乐场景,可为 4 岁及以上的男孩和女孩带来乐趣和快乐
- 超级英雄玩具和人偶——包含可以拼搭的汽车、蝙蝠翼飞行器,乐高®蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女和小丑小人仔,以及一块大号底盘入门积木,可让拼搭变得快速而有趣
- 蝙蝠侠主题的创意玩具——这款蝙蝠洞玩具包含开关式弹射器、可以“爆破”的监狱门、圆盘发射器和逼真的配件,可作为孩子的很棒创意礼物
- 有趣的蝙蝠侠收藏品——配件包括蝙蝠飞镖、热狗和在黑暗的牢房中闪闪发光的夜光蜘蛛
- 专为 4岁及以上的孩子准备的蝙蝠侠礼物——这款蝙蝠洞玩具拥有入门积木和简易的拼搭步骤,适合送给小拼搭师或超级英雄行动爱好者
- 三维拼搭说明——孩子们可以下载 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,获取沉浸式拼搭体验。此应用程序包含系列数字工具,可用来缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度
- 学前蝙蝠侠玩具——乐高® 4+ 系列套装可把孩子们带入一个充满他们喜爱的影视角色和日常英雄的世界
- 专为 4 岁及以上孩子准备的大型乐高®蝙蝠侠套装——这款玩具内含 184 组件,其中的蝙蝠洞尺寸为:高 11 厘米(4 英寸)、宽 13 厘米(5 英寸)和深 6 厘米(2.5 英寸)
If you’re looking for a Batman™ gift for kids aged 4+, this LEGO® Batcave™ toy is the super-hero adventure playset for you! Packed with hands-on, creative activities, The Batcave with Batman, Batgirl™ \u0026 The Joker™ (76272) boosts preschoolers’ confidence, concentration and problem-solving skills.
More than just a Batcave playset, this awesome toy also includes 3 minifigures – Batman, Batgirl and The Joker – a Batwing™ aircraft with folding wings, a push-along car, disc launcher, jail room and fun accessories including a glow-in-the-dark spider. Hands-on features include a flip-switch catapult and ’exploding’ jail doors. The set comes with a chassis Starter Brick to help kids get building underway. Intuitive instructions are provided in the form of a colorful picture-story guide. For added digital fun, builders can zoom in, rotate models in 3D and track their progress using the fun, intuitive LEGO Builder app. This creative toy is a great LEGO Batman gift for kids and budding superheroes.
- Batcave™ adventure toy for kids – The Batcave with Batman™, Batgirl™ \u0026 The Joker™ is packed with play scenarios to engage and entertain boys and girls aged 4 and up
- Super-hero toys and figures – Includes a buildable car, Batwing™ aircraft and LEGO® Batman™, Batgirl™ and The Joker™ minifigures, plus a large chassis Starter Brick to make building quick and fun
- Batman™ themed creative toy – The Batcave™ toy’s flip-switch catapult, ’exploding’ jail doors, disc launcher and authentic accessoriesmake this an endlessly inspiring gift for kids
- Fun Batman™ collectibles – Accessories include a Batarang™, hot dog and a glow-in-the-dark spider that glimmers in the dark prison cell
- Batman™ gift for ages 4 and up – With a Starter Brick and simple building steps, you can give this Batcave™ toy to any young builder or fan of super-hero action
- 3D building instructions – Kids can download the LEGO® Builder app for an immersive building experience, with digital tools to zoom in and rotate modelsin 3D, save sets and track progress
- Preschool Batman™ set – LEGO® sets for kids aged 4+ introduce children to a universe of movie favorites, TV characters and everyday heroes
- Big LEGO® Batman™ set for ages 4+ – This toy has 184 pieces and the Batcave™ measures over 4 in. (11 cm) high, 5 in. (13 cm) wide and 2.5 in. (6 cm) deep
蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女和小丑大战蝙蝠洞(The Batcave with Batman, Batgirl and The Joker)属于蝙蝠侠系列积木套组,整个套组包含 184 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76272 首发于2024年。