通过这款专为 11 岁及以上喜欢太空玩具的男孩和女孩准备的乐高®机械组火星载人探测车玩具套装 (42180),带领孩子们了解更多有关火星任务的知识。这款火星探测车玩具套装充满逼真的功能,它可以伸长,显露出车身。孩子们可以驾驶它到位,测试其悬挂系统。接下来,他们可以使用起重机搬运机器人探测车、工具和燃料反应堆。太空工作人员的生活区包含座位、淋浴器、马桶、跑步机和冰箱。本套装还拥有电梯功能、回收容器、样品容器、气罐和水罐。
本套装包含一块特殊的气闸组件,以便孩子们连接其它匹配的太空主题乐高套装(单独出售),进行更多太空探险。借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以进行直观的拼搭探险,缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 专为 11 岁及以上的男孩和女孩准备的火星探测车玩具——这款乐高®机械组火星载人探测车充满逼真的功能,以便年轻的探险家们在玩乐中学习和发展
- 功能丰富的太空玩具——这款太空拼搭玩具拥有可伸缩式车身、悬挂系统、可以活动的起重机、升降机、发电机、信标、配套的探测车、生活区和驾驶舱
- 探测车可以伸缩——这款模型展现了探测车如何从紧凑的运输状态变换到着陆后携带货物时的伸长状态
- 科学配件——这款太空探索玩具套装包含许多模仿宇航员用品设计的配件,像科学设备和气罐
- 可作为喜爱美国宇航局主题玩具的孩子的太空礼物——本套装可作为 11 岁及以上喜欢有趣太空玩具的男孩和女孩的创意礼物
- 气闸可与其它模型连接——本套装包含特殊的太空气闸组件,以便孩子们连接其它匹配的太空主题的乐高®玩具套装(单独出售),进行更多探险
- 有趣的拼搭方式——LEGO® Builder 应用程序可以引导孩子们踏上直观的拼搭探险之旅。他们可以在拼搭过程中保存套装,跟踪进度,以及缩放和旋转三维模型
- 尺寸——这款内装 1599 块组件的套装包含一个拼搭模型,在展开模式下尺寸为:高 23 厘米(9 英寸)、长 44 厘米(17英寸)和宽 21 厘米(8 英寸)
Inspire kids to learn more about missions to Mars with the LEGO® Technic™ Mars Crew Exploration Rover playset (42180) for boys and girls aged 11+ who love space toys. This detailed Mars Rover toy set is packed with realistic features for young explorers. The model expands to reveal the truck bed, and kids can test out the suspension as they steer the rover into position. Next, they can use the crane to lift the robot rover, tools and fuel reactor. The crew’s living quarters include seating, a shower, toilet, treadmill and fridge. There’s an elevator function, plus recycling and sample containers and gas and water canisters.This set features a special space air-lock element so kids can connect other compatible space-themed LEGO sets (sold separately) for even more space adventures. Kids enjoy an intuitive building adventure with the LEGO Builder app, where they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
- Mars Rover toy for boys and girls aged 11+ – The LEGO® Technic™ Mars Crew Exploration Rover space toy for kids is packed with realistic features so young explorers can learn through play
- A space toy filled with features – This space building toy includes an expanding truck bed, suspension, a moving crane, elevator, generator, beacons, companion rover, living quarters and cockpit
- Rover expands and retracts – The model reflects how rovers adapt from being compact for transportation to expanding when they carry cargo after landing
- Scientific accessories – This space exploration playset toy features accessories modeled on those used by astronauts, including scientific equipment and gas canisters
- Space gift for kids who love NASA-inspired toys – This set makes a creative gift for boys and girls aged 11 plus who love fun space toys
- Air lock connects to other models – This set has a special space air-lock element so kids can connect other compatible space-themed LEGO® playsets (sold separately) for more adventures
- A fun way to build – The LEGO® Builder app guides kids on an intuitive building adventure, letting them save sets, track progress, zoom in and rotate models in 3D while they build
- Measurements – This 1,599-piece setfeatures a buildable model measuring over 9 in. (23 cm) high, 17 in. (44 cm) long and 8 in. (21 cm) wide, when expanded
火星载人探测车(Mars Crew Exploration Rover)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1599 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42180 首发于2024年。