借助这款专为 10 岁及以上喜欢太空飞机玩具的孩子准备的乐高®机械组垂直起降式重型货运太空船 LT81 (42181),太空爱好者们可以令人难忘的拼搭体验。这款充满未来感的太空飞船玩具模型功能丰富,会让他们想象着在遥远的星球上执行激动人心的货物运输任务,同时激发他们的好奇心。
为将太空探险带入另一个维度,本套装还提供一块特殊的气闸组件,以连接其它匹配的太空主题乐高玩具套装(单独出售)。借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以在拼搭过程中缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 拼搭一艘充满未来感的货运太空船——10 岁及以上的太空爱好者们可以拼搭和玩乐这款乐高®机械组垂直起降式重型货运太空船 LT81 玩具套装,许多探索工作在等待着他们
- 垂直起落架——孩子们可以展开和收回起落架,进行创意玩乐,探索在不同星球上生活和工作的可能性及挑战
- 运输货物——包含一辆迷你的太空探测车,可将其装入货舱,然后用伸缩式爪子挂在太空船下面
- 手柄和可旋转式发动机——年轻的太空探险家们可以握住手柄,转动发动机,表演各式各样的飞行动作,并惊叹于这架飞行器的自动调平式驾驶舱
- 太空主题玩具——可作为 10 岁及以上对太空旅行和充满未来感的飞机感兴趣的孩子的有趣礼物
- 气闸组件——包含一个特殊的太空气闸组件,以便孩子们将此模型与其它匹配的太空主题的乐高®套装(单独出售)连接,进行更多太空旅行探险
- 了解工程世界——这款乐高®机械组套装拥有逼真的动作和机械装置,能够以亲身体验的方式将乐高拼搭师们带入工程的世界。
- 尺寸——这款内装 1365 块组件的套装包含一艘太空船,其尺寸为:高 19 厘米(7 英寸)、长 52 厘米(20 英寸)和宽 47 厘米(18.5 英寸)
Space enthusiasts can enjoy a build to remember with the LEGO® Technic™ VTOL Heavy Cargo Spaceship LT81 (42181) for kids aged 10+ who love space plane toys. This futuristic spaceship vehicle toy model has lots to ignite curiosity as kids play out exciting cargo transport missions on distant planets.The set is packed with cool features including gears that rotate the engines, extend and retract the landing gear and lower the claw to grab the cargo pod loaded with a mini space rover. There’s even a handle on top so young space fans can swoop this futuristic spaceship around the room as they play.To take space adventures to the next dimension, this set also includes a special space air-lock element to connect to other compatible space-themed LEGO playsets (sold separately). And with the LEGO Builder App, kids can zoom in and rotate models in 3D as they build, save sets and track their progress.
- Build a futuristic cargo spaceship – Young space fans aged 10+ have lots to explore as they build and play with this LEGO® Technic™ VTOL Heavy Cargo Spaceship LT81 space plane toy set
- Vertical takeoff and landing gear – Kids can deploy and retract the landing gear as they explore the possibilities and challenges of living and working on different planets through imaginative play
- Transport the cargo – Includes a mini space rover that can be loaded into the cargo pod and slung under the spaceship using the extending claw
- Grab handle and rotating engines – Young space explorers can grab the handle, rotate the engines, and marvel at the self-leveling cockpit as they play out different flying maneuvers
- A spaced-themed toy – Makes a fun gift idea for kids aged 10 and up who are interested in space travel and futuristic plane toys
- Air-lock element – Comes with a special space air-lock element so kids can connect this model to other compatible space-themed LEGO® sets (sold separately) for even more space travel adventures
- An introduction to engineering – LEGO® Technic™ sets feature realistic movement and mechanisms that introduce LEGO builders to the universe of engineering in an approachable and realistic way
- Dimensions – This 1,365-piece set includes a spaceship measuring over 7 in. (19 cm) high, 20 in. (52 cm) long and 18.5 in. (47 cm) wide
垂直起降式重型货运太空船 LT81(VTOL Heavy Cargo Spaceship LT81)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1365 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42181 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。