- 充满有趣细节的行李模型——这款手提箱玩具包含许多旅行主题的配件,是送给热爱旅行、探索和度假的孩子或成人的理想礼物
- 可 360 度旋转的轮子——这款迷你行李箱上的轮子可以 360 度旋转,就像真实行李箱上的轮子一样。本套装的其它逼真细节包括可伸缩式手柄和行李牌
- 可以打开的迷你行李箱——查看这款乐高®旅行箱的内部,找到旅行必需品,其中包括相机、登机牌、牙刷和护照
- 定制你的行李箱——这款乐高®套装随附一张贴纸纸,以便你定制行李箱的外部,使其成为人们关注的焦点
- 适合旅行爱好者的礼物——这款旅行玩具套装可作为 7 岁及以上孩子,或
- 尺寸——本套装内含 184 块组件,其中的模型尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、宽 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)和深 4 厘米(1.5 英寸)
Gift for kids and adults who love travel and adventure
Grab your passport and get ready for adventure with this LEGO® Yellow Travel Suitcase (40817) luggage model building kit. This holiday-themed set makes a fun gift for kids aged 7 and over, or anyone who loves to travel. The mini suitcase features a retractable handle, functioning wheels and a luggage tag. Open the case to pack the camera, boarding pass, toothbrush and passport – have fun making everything fit! The set comes with a fun sticker sheet to customise the outside of the case.
- Luggage model with fun details – This suitcase toy comes with lots of travel-themed accessories, and it makes a great gift for kids or adults who love travel, exploration and vacations
- 360-degree wheels – The wheels on this mini luggage spin through 360 degrees, just like those on a real suitcase, and the set’s other realistic details include a retractable handle and luggage tag
- A mini suitcase that opens – Look inside this LEGO® travel case to find travel essentials including a camera, boarding pass, toothbrush and passport
- Customize your suitcase – This LEGO® set comes with a sticker sheet so you can customize the outside of the case and make it stand out from the crowd
- Gift for travel-lovers – This travel playset is a fun gift idea for kids aged 7 and up or anyone who enjoys cool LEGO® sets and travel souvenirs
- Measurements – A 184-piece set with a model measuring over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 3.5 in. (9 cm) wide and 1.5 in. (4 cm) deep
黄色旅行箱(Yellow Travel Suitcase)属于创意百变系列积木套组,整个套组包含 184 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 40817 首发于2025年。