如果你正在为年轻的超级英雄寻找时尚礼物,那么这款乐高®漫威蜘蛛侠大战沙人:大决战 (76280) 就不错,它是一款可以拼搭的行动玩具,漫威影迷们肯定都想拥有它。本套装可作为 10 岁及以上孩子的很棒礼物,供他们重现漫威影业《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》中的战斗场景。
这款多视角乐高漫威蜘蛛侠拼搭套装包含 3 个反派:沙人、电王和蜥蜴教授(这是第一款包含蜥蜴教授小人仔的乐高漫威套装)。小人仔可以摆放在许多地方,能够带来无尽的玩乐和展示灵感。当蜘蛛侠借助具有弹性的蛛网“绳索”荡过沙人头顶时,孩子们可以扭转铰接式沙人,用他的巨手去抓蜘蛛侠。孩子们可将这款漫威拼搭玩具与蜘蛛侠大决战(76261,单独出售)组合,获取更多玩乐机会。如想体验额外的数字乐趣,拼搭师们可以使用直观有趣的 LEGO Builder 应用程序,缩放和旋转三维模型,以及跟踪进度。
- 蜘蛛侠与反派终局之战——这款儿童拼搭玩具源自漫威影业的《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》,专为 10 岁及以上的男孩和女孩设计。这次沙人有了帮手:电王和蜥蜴教授
- 360 度全方位儿童拼搭玩具——一个大型的沙人拼搭模型位于场景中心,这里充满经典角色、战斗行动和逼真的配件
- 可以拼搭的乐高®战斗玩具——当蜘蛛侠用具有弹性的蛛网“绳索”荡过沙人的头顶时,年轻的漫威粉丝们可以转动铰接式沙人,用他的巨手去抓蜘蛛侠
- 蜘蛛侠大战反派——本套装内含的小人仔可以摆放在许多地方,能够带来无尽的玩乐和展示灵感
- 适合男孩和女孩的拼搭玩具——战斗行动、漫威电影和超级英雄冒险的爱好者们可从这份内容丰富的儿童礼物中找到他们想要的东西,甚至更多
- 三维拼搭说明——孩子们可以下载 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,获取沉浸式拼搭体验。此应用程序包含系列数字工具,可用来缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度
- 乐高®漫威系列——乐高漫威拼搭玩具品类繁多,旨在通过无尽的动手式创意冒险来启发年轻的超级英雄们
- 内含 347 块组件的拼搭套装——这款可以拼搭的蜘蛛侠玩具高 12 厘米(5 英寸)
If you’re looking for trending gifts for young Super Heroes, LEGO® Marvel Spider-Man vs. Sandman: Final Battle (76280) is a buildable action toy that any Marvel film lover is sure to want. Recreating the battle scene from Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: No Way Home, it makes a great gift for kids aged 10+.
The multifaceted, buildable LEGO Marvel Spider-Man set includes 3 villains: Sandman, Electro and Lizard (this is the first LEGO Marvel kit to feature the Lizard minifigure). With multiple places to position the minifigures, the play-and-display possibilities are endless. Kids can twist and turn the jointed Sandman and use his enormous hands to grab Spider-Man as he swings overhead on his flexible web ‘rope’. Kids can expand the buildable Marvel toy by combining it with the Spider-Man Final Battle (76261), sold separately. For added digital fun, builders can zoom in, rotate models in 3D and track their progress using the fun, intuitive LEGO Builder app.
- Spider-Man ultimate villain showdown – Sandman is joined by Electro and Lizard in this kids’ buildable battle toy for boys and girls aged 10+ based on Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: No Way Home
- 360-degree kids’ building toy – A large, Sandman construction model is at the center of a multifaceted scene filled with classic characters, battle action and authentic accessories
- Buildable LEGO® battle toy for kids – Young Marvel fans can turn the jointed Sandman and use his enormous hands to grab Spider-Man as he swings overhead on his flexible web ’rope’
- Spider-Man villain action – The set’s minifigures can be positioned and posed in multiple places, inspiring endless imaginative play-and-display possibilities
- Building toy for boys andgirls – Fans of battle action, Marvel movies and Super Hero adventures can find all that and more in this feature-packed gift for kids
- 3D building instructions – Kids can download the LEGO® Builder app for an immersive building experience, with digit al tools to zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress
- LEGO® Marvel range – The extensive choice of LEGO Marvel building toys is designed to inspire all young Super Heroes with endless hands-on, creative adventures
- 347-piececonstruction set – This buildable Spider-Man toy stands over 5 in. (12 cm) tall
蜘蛛侠大战沙人:大决战(Spider-Man vs. Sandman: Final Battle)属于蜘蛛侠系列积木套组,整个套组包含 347 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76280 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。