玩乐这款专为 8 岁及以上孩子准备的钢铁蜘蛛侠拼搭人偶 (76298),其精致逼真,采用完全铰接式,可将源自漫威电影的超级英雄行动鲜活呈现。
这款肢体灵活的超级英雄人偶高 27 厘米(10.5 英寸),拥有可以活动的肩膀、手臂、臀部和腿关节,允许孩子们对动态冒险进行角色扮演。此人偶身穿由托尼·斯塔克设计的高科技钢铁蜘蛛侠战甲,装备有 4 个额外的完全铰接式手臂。如想体验更多数字乐趣,拼搭师们可以使用有趣直观的 LEGO Builder 应用程序,缩放和旋转三维套装,跟踪进度。
- 专为孩子们准备的钢铁蜘蛛侠拼搭人偶——这款细节丰富且肢体灵活的乐高®漫威钢铁蜘蛛侠拼搭人偶已准备好与 8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩们一起展开超级英雄行动
- 进行冒险角色扮演——这款完全铰接式钢铁蜘蛛侠人偶拥有可以活动的肩膀、手臂、臀部和腿关节,能够带来无尽的创意行动
- 忠实于电影的细节——这款人偶身穿由托尼·斯塔克设计的高科技钢铁蜘蛛侠战甲,其装备有 4 个额外的完全铰接式手臂
- 适合年轻超级英雄的礼物——粉丝们可以拼搭、玩乐和展示这款逼真且功能丰富的乐高®漫威蜘蛛侠玩具套装,展现他们对蜘蛛侠的喜爱之情
- 适合漫威影迷的礼物——将这款超级英雄礼物送给蜘蛛侠世界行动和冒险的爱好者们
- 三维拼搭说明——孩子们可以下载 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,获取沉浸式拼搭体验。此应用程序包含系列数字工具,可用来缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度
- 更多超级英雄乐趣——本系列还有更多乐高®漫威拼搭人偶可供收藏,这些套装均单独出售
- 乐高®漫威蜘蛛侠拼搭玩具——这款钢铁蜘蛛侠人偶内含 303 块组件,高 27 厘米(10.5 英寸):个头足够大,可供展开大型行动,也足够小巧,可供孩子们随身携带
Bring Super Hero action from the Marvel films to life with the authentically detailed, fully articulated Iron Spider-Man Construction Figure (76298) for kids aged 8 and above.
The posable Super Hero figure stands over 27 cm (10.5 in.) tall and has movable shoulder, arm, hip and leg joints, which enable kids to role-play dynamic adventures. Wearing the high-tech Iron Spider-Man armour created by Tony Stark, the figure incorporates 4 extra arms, which are also fully articulated. For added digital fun, builders can zoom in, rotate sets in 3D and track their progress using the fun, intuitive LEGO Builder app.
- Iron Spider-Man buildable figure for kids – The detailed and posable LEGO® Marvel Iron Spider-Man Construction Figure is ready for Super Hero action with boys and girls aged 8 and over
- Role-play adventures – The fully jointed Iron Spider-Man figure has movable shoulder, arm, hip and leg joints to inspire endless imaginative action
- Film-accurate details – Wearing the high-tech Iron Spider-Man armour created by Tony Stark, the figure incorporates 4 extra arms, which are also fully articulated
- Gift for young Super Heroes – Fans can show their passion for Spider-Man as they build, play with and display this realistic and versatile LEGO® Marvel Spider-Man buildable playset
- Gift for Marvel film lovers – Give this Super Hero treat to fans of action and adventure from the Spider-Man Universe
- 3D building instructions – Kids can download the LEGO® Builder app for an immersive building experience, with digital tools to zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress
- Expand the Super Hero fun – There are more LEGO® Marvel construction figures in the series to collect, sets sold separately
- Buildable LEGO® Marvel Spider-Man toy – The 303-piece Iron Spider-Man figure stands over 27 cm (10.5 in.) tall: big enough for epic action, small enough for kids to take wherever they go
钢铁蜘蛛侠拼搭人偶(Iron Spider-Man Construction Figure)属于蜘蛛侠系列积木套组,整个套组包含 303 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76298 首发于2024年。