在这款乐高®城市组警用巡逻艇大追捕 (60417) 套装中,一名警官正在追捕逃跑的坏蛋,精彩的冒险在等待着你。本套装包含一艘警用巡逻艇和一处隐藏在城市港口旧集装箱中的坏蛋巢穴。孩子们可以与警官一起登上警用巡逻艇,探索一系列功能和“惊喜”。这款玩具还包含水上摩托车、码头场景,以及警官小人仔、2 个坏蛋小人仔和一条斗牛犬。
这款儿童玩具套装提供分步式纸质拼搭指南和三维说明,后者可从 LEGO® Builder 应用程序中获取。此应用程序是一个数字拼搭助手,拥有直观的缩放和旋转工具,允许孩子在拼搭过程中从各个角度查看模型。
- 坏蛋的藏匿处和警用巡逻艇——玩乐这款专为 6 岁及以上孩子准备的乐高®城市组警用巡逻艇大追捕玩具套装,孩子们可以展开趣味十足的抓捕坏蛋行动
- 积木盒中都有些什么呢?——孩子们拼搭巡逻艇、水上摩托车、堆放有货物集装箱的码头场景、警官小人仔、2 个坏蛋小人仔和一条斗牛犬所需的一切
- 细节和功能——孩子们可以启动坏蛋的鱼桶陷阱和快速逃跑功能,把骗子藏匿的赃物存放起来
- 包含一张“通缉”海报——经过大人允许后,孩子们可以扫描拼搭说明中或包装盒上的二维码,进行趣味十足的乐高®城市警察数字大冒险
- 适合所有场合的乐高®礼物——可将这款套装作为 6 岁及以上喜爱炫酷动作玩具和船只的孩子的节日或任何日子的礼物
- 探索创意玩乐的世界——孩子们可将此套装与其它的乐高®城市组套装(单独出售)组合,体验更多乐趣和冒险
- 城市无极限——乐高®城市是一个孩子们可以尽情发挥想象力的地方,这里有建筑、交通工具、市民,能够激发他们进行拼搭、创造、探索和玩乐的热情
- 尺寸——这款拼搭套装内含 311 块组件,其中的坏蛋藏身处尺寸为:高 19 厘米(7.5 英寸)、宽 20 厘米(8 英寸)和深 12 厘米(5 英寸)
Treat your everyday hero to this LEGO® City Police boat toy playset, featuring fun characters and a crooks’ hideout with hidden surprises!
Crooks on the run with a police officer in pursuit make for great adventures in the LEGO® City Police Speedboat and Crooks’ Hideout (60417) set. It features a toy police patrol boat and a crooks’ hideout hidden among old cargo containers at the city docks. Kids can join the officer onboard and discover an array of functions and surprises in a fun set that also includes a toy water scooter, dockside setting, a police officer and 2 crook minifigures, plus a bulldog figure.
This LEGO toy playset for kids includes a step-by-step printed building guide and 3D instructions in the LEGO Builder app – a digital building companion with intuitive zoom and rotate tools that enable kids to visualize models from all angles as they build.
Your City, NoLimits! LEGO City sets feature cool vehicles, realistic structures and fun characters that inspire imaginative play without limits. Kids can add this police playset to others (sold separately) from the LEGO City range to expand the world of play possib ilities.
- Crooks’ hideout and police boat toy – Kids can set out on fun crook-catching missions with this LEGO® City Police Speedboat and Crooks’ Hideout playset for ages 6 and up
- What’s in the box? – Everything kids need to build a toy speedboat, water scooter, dock setting with cargo containers, police officer minifigure, 2 crook minifigures and a bulldog figure
- Features and functions – Kids can activate the bucket-of-fish trap and quick-escape function, and stash the crooks’ hidden loot
- Includes a ’wanted’ poster – With an adult’s permission, kids can scan the QR code in the building instructions or on the box for a fun LEGO® City Police video adventure
- A LEGO® gift for any occasion – Give this set as a holiday or any-day gift for kids aged 6+ who love cool action toys and boats
- Discover a world of imaginative play – Kids unleash more fun and adventures when they add this set to others (sold separately) from the LEGO® City range
- A city without limits – LEGO® City is a place where kids can set their limitless imaginations free, with structures, vehicles and citizens that motivate them to build, create, explore and play
- Dimensions – The crooks’ hideout in this 311-piece building set measures over 7.5 in. (19 cm) high, 8 in. (20cm) wide and 5 in. (12 cm) deep
警用巡逻艇大追捕(Police Speedboat and Crooks' Hideout)属于城市系列积木套组,整个套组包含 311 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60417 首发于2024年。