玩乐这款专为 4 岁及以上男孩和女孩准备的乐高®好朋友运马拖车 (42634) 玩具套装,开启长时间的创意玩乐之旅。喜欢角色扮演的孩子可以拼搭汽车和拖车,然后为好朋友丽安和卓娅创造精彩的探险。
乐高 4+ 系列玩具套装旨在为孩子们带来快速且乐趣十足的拼搭体验,它们提供入门积木,允许孩子们在坚固的底板上创造场景。让 LEGO Builder 应用程序引导您和您的孩子进行直观的拼搭探险,它允许你缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 马儿玩具套装,包含动物玩偶——这款专为 4 岁及以上的男孩和女孩准备的套装包含一辆可以拼搭的汽车和运马拖车,丽安和卓娅迷你玩偶,以及一匹大马、一匹小马和许多配件
- 专为 4 岁及以上的孩子准备的拼搭玩具——借助这款专为 4 岁及以上拼搭新手设计的运马拖车套装,学习拼搭的孩子们可以拥有一个良好的开端
- 4 个乐高®好朋友角色——这份适合孩子的创意礼物包含丽安和卓娅玩具人偶,以及一匹大马和一匹小马,以便孩子们进行长时间的角色扮演,踏上全新的探险之旅
- 角色扮演玩具,包含许多配件——本套装包含许多可以促进玩乐的配件,其中包括马鞍、胡萝卜、苹果、刷子和丝带
- 专为喜爱动物和自然的孩子准备的礼物——本套装可作为喜欢创造动物和自然角色扮演故事的孩子的很棒节日礼物或任何时候的礼物
- 关注更多适合孩子的拼搭套装——可从乐高®好朋友系列为小拼搭师们寻找其它的套装(单独出售)
- 尺寸——本套装包含 105 块组件,将汽车和拖车连接在一起时,其尺寸为:高 5 厘米(2 英寸)、长 24 厘米(9.5 英寸)和宽 5 厘米(2 英寸)
Kick off hours of creative play with this LEGO® Friends Horse and Pony Trailer (42634) playset toy for girls, boys and kids aged 4 years old and over. Kids who love pretend play can build the car and trailer before creating adventures for friends Liann and Zoya.
This animal-themed creative gift for kids comes with a horse for Liann and a pony for Zoya, plus toy accessories to inspire role-play ideas. Kids can help the characters brush the animals and get them ready for a ride. In the forest they find a fallen tree, which makes an obstacle for the horse and pony to jump over. After a fun day riding, the friends reward the horses with a tasty carrot.
LEGO 4+ toy sets are designed to give kids a fun building experience as they play with building blocks. They come with a Starter Brick – a sturdy base on which kids create the scene. Let the LEGO Builder app guide you and your child on an intuitive building adventure, allowing you to zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress.
- Horse playset with animal figures – This set for girls, boys and kids aged 4 and up includes a buildable car and horse trailer, Liann and Zoya mini-dolls, a horse figure, a pony figure and accessories
- A building toy for ages 4+ – Kids who are learning to build can get off to a great start with this toy horse trailer set designed for new builders aged 4 and up
- 4 LEGO® Friends characters – This creative gift for kids includes Liann and Zoya toy figures, plus a horse and a pony, so kids can enjoy hours of pretend play as they make up new adventures
- A role-play toy with accessories – The set comes with lots of accessories to boost play, including a saddle, carrot, apple, brush and a ribbon
- A gift for kids who love animals and nature – This set makes a great holiday or anytime gift idea for kids who enjoy creating animal and nature role-play stories
- Discover more kids’ building kits – Check out other sets for little builders in the LEGO® Friends range, sold separately
- Measurements – When the car and trailer are connected they measure over 2 in. (5 cm) high, 9.5 in. (24 cm) long and 2 in. (5 cm) wide and the set comprises 105 pieces
运马拖车(Horse and Pony Trailer)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 105 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42634 首发于2024年。