使用这款乐高®好朋友动物诊所 (42632) 玩具套装激发 4 岁及以上的孩子照料动物的热情。本套装有助于孩子学习拼搭,其包含一座可以拼搭的动物诊所、2 个迷你玩偶、3 个动物玩偶和许多兽医配件,可以激发创意玩乐
乐高 4+ 系列拼搭玩具包含实用的快速上手组件——一些较大的组件,有助于孩子开启他们的拼搭探险之旅。借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,让孩子们体验轻松直观的拼搭探险,他们可以在其中缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 乐高®好朋友动物诊所玩具——本套装包含 2 个迷你玩偶、3 个动物玩偶,以及许多角色扮演配件,专为 4 岁及以上喜欢照料动物的男孩和女孩准备
- 专为年轻的拼搭师而设计——借助这款儿童拼搭套装,学习拼搭的孩子们可以拥有一个良好的开端,他们可以帮助奥特姆和加布丽拉照料刚刚生产过的山羊妈妈
- 用拖车运送山羊——本套装包含一辆可以拼搭的拖车,以便孩子们表演精彩的故事,载着山羊妈妈和刚出生的小羊穿过入口拱门,前往动物诊所
- 2 个迷你玩偶和 3 个动物玩偶——本套装包含乐高®好朋友角色奥特姆和加布丽拉,以及一只兔子、一只山羊和她的小山羊,以便创意玩乐立即开始
- 许多配件——本套装包含许多玩具配件,如兽医医疗配件、樱桃、草莓、蜜蜂、曲奇饼、胡萝卜、马克杯和洗发水瓶
- 专为孩子准备的礼物——这款乐高®好朋友套装专为男孩和女孩准备,可作为喜爱农场动物的孩子的有趣角色扮演玩具或节日礼物
- 更多有趣的角色扮演玩具——为年轻的拼搭师寻找更多乐高®好朋友玩具套装(单独出售),启发故事灵感
- 尺寸——这款内装 161 块组件的套装包含一家动物诊所,尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、宽 30 厘米(12 英寸)和深 7 厘米(2.5 英寸)
Inspire kids aged 4 years old and over to care for animals with this LEGO® Friends Farm Animal Vet Clinic (42632) toy set. This kit helps kids learn to build and comes with a buildable vet clinic, 2 mini-dolls, 3 animal figures and vet accessories to inspire imaginative play.
This vet toy building kit makes a great gift idea for kids who love medical role play. Children can create their own friendship stories as Autumn helps vet Gabriela care for the new baby goat. They can transport the animals on the trailer, then give them a checkup using the desk, scales, computer and light. Next, they can help Autumn bathe the animals and give them a tasty treat to munch.
LEGO 4+ building toys for kids come with helpful quick-start elements – larger pieces that help kids get started on their building adventure. Give your child an easy and intuitive building adventure with the LEGO Builder app. Here they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
- LEGO® Friends Farm Animal Vet Clinic toy – Set includes 2 mini-dolls, 3 animal figures and lots of pretend-play accessories for girls, boys and kids aged 4 plus who love to care for animals
- Made for young builders – Children who are learning tobuild can get off to a great start with this kids’ building kit as they help Autumn and Gabriela care for the goat, who has just given birth
- Transport the goats on the trailer – The set comes with a buildable trailer so kids can act out the story as they give the new mom and her baby a ride through the entrance archway to the vet clinic
- 2 mini-dolls and 3 animal figures – Set includes LEGO® Friends characters Autumn and Gabriela, plus a goat with her baby and a rabbit, so the creative play starts right away
- Lots of accessories – The set comes with toy accessories, including vet medical accessories, cherries, a strawberry, a bee, cookies, a carrot, a mug and a shampoo bottle
- A gift idea for kids – This LEGO® Friends set for girls, boys and kids makes a fun role-play toy or holiday gift for children who love farm animals
- More fun role-play toys – Discover more LEGO® Friends playsets for young builders (sets sold separately) to inspire creative stories
- Measurements – 161-piece set with vet clinic measuring over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 12 in. (30 cm) wide and 2.5 in. (7 cm) deep
动物诊所(Farm Animal Vet Clinic)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 161 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42632 首发于2024年。