使用这款乐高® ǀ 迪士尼魔法满屋 Isabela 的创意花盆 (43237) 玩乐和展示一体式玩具,令 9 岁及以上喜爱艺术和设计的孩子和迪士尼粉丝激动不已。本套装包含一个采用篮子设计的铰接式花盆,将其打开可以显露出一个隐藏的房间,充满有趣的电影细节;还有 Isabela 乐高 ǀ 迪士尼迷你玩偶,可以拼搭的兰花和仙人掌乐高鲜花玩具,当花盆闭合时,整体可构成一件引人注目的展示品。
这份专为男孩和女孩准备的精美迪士尼礼物对年长的孩子极具吸引力,它借助花盆内的密室,可以带来更加复杂和有趣的拼搭和玩乐体验。玩乐结束后,非常适合展示在居室中或架子上。孩子和成人粉丝都会喜欢上欣赏这款花盆的所有细节,可以一起创造这款最新的拼搭玩具。拼搭师们还可以通过 LEGO Builder 应用程序获得轻松直观的拼搭体验:缩放和旋转三维模型、保存新套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 专为孩子准备的乐高® ǀ 迪士尼魔法满屋玩具套装——使用这款 Isabela 的创意花盆玩具套装激发 9 岁及以上男孩和女孩的灵感和想象力,促进他们表演自己创造的奇幻故事
- 创造机会——这款拼搭套装包含一个可以打开的花盆、鲜花,以及一个乐高® ǀ 迪士尼魔法满屋迷你玩偶,其中花盆采用篮子设计,灵感源自电影
- 隐藏的空间——花盆内部设有 Isabela 的房间,细节丰富,摆放有床铺、仙人掌、乐高®兰花及其它可激发玩乐灵感的物品,还可容下迷你玩偶
- 乐高® ǀ 迪士尼魔法满屋拼搭套装——本套装允许影迷们拼搭花盆,以自己喜欢的方式摆放鲜花,以及打开花盆进行创意玩乐。玩乐结束时,可将摆放起来进行展示
- 适合孩子的《魔法满屋》礼物——这款拼搭套装拥有打开功能,专为玩乐和展示而设计,可作为 9 岁及以上男孩、女孩和迪士尼粉丝的特殊场合礼物
- 得力助手——可从 LEGO® Builder 应用程序中找到直观的说明,此应用程序允许拼搭师在培养新技能的过程中,缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度,以及保存套装
- 释放热情——这款拼搭套装包含一个乐高® ǀ 迪士尼迷你玩偶、一个可以拼搭的花盆,以及用来装饰花盆的鲜花,可以通过玩乐激发孩子对设计的热情,并帮助他们培养生活技能
- 尺寸——这款内装 641 块组件的玩具套装包含一个可以拼搭的花盆,其尺寸为:高 24 厘米(9 英寸)、宽 15 厘米(6 英寸)和深 12 厘米(5 英寸)
Engage kids and Disney fans aged 9+ who like art and design with this LEGO® | Disney Encanto Isabela’s Flowerpot (43237) buildable play-and-display toy. Featuring a hinged basket flowerpot that opens to reveal a hidden room full of fun movie details, an Isabela LEGO | Disney mini-doll figure, and orchid and cactus buildable LEGO flower toys to set up in an appealing display when the flowerpot is closed.
This detailed Disney gift for girls and boys appeals to older kids, offering a more complex build and fun play possibilities thanks to the secret room inside the flowerpot. Once play is done, it also makes a good display set for a room or shelf. Kids and grown-up fans alike will appreciate all the details in the flowerpot and can enjoy creating the latest buildable toy together. Builders can also enjoy an easy and intuitive building experience with the LEGO Builder app. They can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save new sets and track their progress.
- LEGO® | Disney Encanto playset for kids – Inspire girls and boys aged 9+ with this Isabela’s Flowerpot building toy set, and spark imagination as kids play out their own fantasy stories
- Creative possibilities – The buildable set includes an opening flowerpot with a basket design inspired by the movie, flowers and an Isabela LEGO® | Disney Encanto mini-doll figure
- Hidden space – Inside the flowerpot is a detailed setup of Isabela’s room, with a bed, cactus and LEGO® orchids, more play starters and space for the mini-doll figure
- LEGO® | Disney Encanto building set – This set lets fans build the flowerpot and place the flowers how they like, open it for creative play options, then set it up for display when play is over
- Encanto gift for kids – Featuring an opening function and designed for play and display, the construction set makes a fun special occasion gift for girls, boys and Disney fans aged 9 and up
- A helping hand – Discover intuitive instructions in the LEGO® Builder app where builders can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, track their progress and save sets as they develop new skills
- Explore a passion – With a LEGO® | Disney mini-doll figure, a buildable flowerpot and flowers to decorate it, the building set encourages a passion for design and develops life skills through fun
- Measurements – This 641-piece playset features a buildable flower-filled flowerpot that measures over 9 in. (24 cm) high, 6 in. (15 cm) wide and 5 in. (12 cm) deep
魔法满屋:伊莎贝拉的创意花盆(Isabela's Flowerpot)属于迪士尼公主系列积木套组,整个套组包含 641 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 43237 首发于2024年。