使用这款具有收藏价值的乐高毁灭者机器人玩偶 (75381) 来庆祝《星球大战:幽灵的威胁》上映和乐高®星球大战™套装推出 25 周年。这款趣味十足的展示套装包含一个可以拼搭的乐高毁灭者机器人玩偶,其可以唤起人们对《星球大战:幽灵的威胁》中入侵纳布星球和 《星球大战:克隆人战争》中精彩冒险的记忆。系列逼真的细节包括毁灭者机器人的手臂,其可以射击动作来回移动。你还可以重新连接毁灭者机器人的腿,将其变成标志性的球形。
为了创造一件令人惊叹的中心饰品,这款创意拼搭套装还提供了带有信息牌的展示台、一块乐高星球大战 25 周年庆积木,以及容纳随附的小型毁灭者机器人乐高玩偶的空间
这款拼搭模型属于乐高星球大战系列(单独出售),该系列套装可为成人带来放松活动。本套装提供分步式说明,你还可以查看 LEGO Builder 应用程序中具有缩放和旋转功能的查看工具。
- 可以拼搭的乐高®毁灭者机器人玩偶——借助这款毁灭者机器人拼搭模型,创造一件有趣的展示品,就像在《星球大战:幽灵的威胁》和《星球大战:克隆人战争》中看到的那样
- 充满有趣细节的乐高®星球大战™展示套装——以逼真的射击动作来回移动毁灭者机器人的手臂,还可以重新连接它的腿,将其变为球形
- 乐高®毁灭者机器人玩偶——本套装包含一个毁灭者机器人主模型和一个小型的毁灭者机器人乐高机器人玩偶
- 25 周年庆中心饰品——这款独特的套装配有一个展示台,其可以容纳一个小型的乐高®毁灭者机器人玩偶,带有一块毁灭者机器人信息牌和一块乐高星球大战™ 25 周年庆积木
- 适合成人的乐高®星球大战™礼物——可将这款高品质套装奖励给自己,或者作为其它星球大战成人粉丝或乐高星球大战套装收藏爱好者的礼物
- 三维拼搭说明——借助 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,你可以拼搭过程中缩放和旋转这款拼搭模型的三维数字版,跟踪进度,保存套装,以及获得其它体验
- 适合成人的星球大战™套装——从遥远的银河系到你的居室,乐高星球大战系列成人拼搭套装专为像你这样喜欢放松式创意活动的人士设计
- 拼搭、展示和玩乐——本套装内含 583 块组件,其中积木拼搭的毁灭者机器人乐高®机器人人偶高 21 厘米(8 英寸)
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and LEGO® Star Wars™ sets with this collectible Droideka LEGO droid figure (75381). The buildable destroyer LEGO droid figure in this playful display set for adults inspires memories of the Invasion of Naboo in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars fantasy adventure. Realistic details include the Droideka’s arms, which can be moved back and forth in a shooting motion, and you can reattach the legs to transform it into its iconic ball shape.
To complete a striking centrepiece, this creative building set also has a stand with an information plaque, a LEGO Star Wars 25th anniversary brick and space for the included small LEGO figure of a Droideka.
This buildable model is part of a collection of LEGO Star Wars sets (sold separately) that offer relaxing activities for adults. It comes with step-by-step instructions, and you can also check out the LEGO Builder app for zoom and rotate viewing tools.
- Buildable Droideka LEGO® droid figure – Create a fun display with a collectible brick-built model of a Droideka destroyer droid, as seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- LEGO® Star Wars™ fantasy-adventure display set with playful details – Move the Droideka’s arms back and forth in a realistic shooting motion, and reattach the legs to transform it into a ball shape
- A Droideka LEGO® droid figure – The main buildable model of a destroyer droid in this set comes with a small Droideka LEGO droid figure
- 25th anniversary centerpiece – This unique set includes a stand with space for the small LEGO® droid figure of a Droideka, a Droideka information plaque and a LEGO Star Wars™ 25th anniversary brick
- LEGO® Star Wars™ gift for adults – Treat yourself or gift this premium-quality set to another adult Star Wars fan or keen collector of LEGO Star Wars sets
- 3D building instructions – Using the LEGO® Builder app, you can zoom in and rotate a 3D digital version of this construction model as you build, track your progress, save sets and more
- LEGO® Star Wars™ sets for adults – From a galaxy far, far away to your living room, LEGO Star Wars building sets for adults are designed for people like you who enjoy relaxing, creative activities
- Build, display and play – The brick-built Droideka LEGO® droid figure in this 583-piece set stands over 8 in. (21 cm) tall
毁灭者机器人(Buildable Droideka)属于星球大战系列积木套组,整个套组包含 583 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75381 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。